Chapter 27: Human Traffickers

"It's them?" Someone exclaimed.

"Aren't they the ones who caught the robbers last night? How is that possible?"

"Did something happen?"

The middle-aged man struggled with all his might, "Friends, help! Don't be deceived by them. They are bad people!"

The middle-aged woman also shouted, "we don't know what we have done to offend them. They suddenly hit us. Quick, please come and save us!"

The middle-aged woman cried as she said, "We just brought our daughter out to see a doctor, and they actually wanted to rob us of our money and even hit us..."

A few people surrounded them, "what's going on?"

Guo Xiang shouted, "don't get the wrong idea, everyone. We're not bad people. These two are. They're human traffickers. This girl was kidnapped by them."

Guo Xiang pointed at the girl leaning against the window.

The two human traffickers turned pale with fright. How did she know? They were certain that they did not reveal anything, and the girl didn't speak at all either. How did she find out? 

"Miss, is this true?" Someone asked the girl.

But the girl could not speak or move at all. She only blinked.

"They are talking nonsense. That is my daughter. What human traffickers? What proof do you have?" The middle-aged woman struggled desperately.

"Yeah, they're accusing the good people. My daughter is sick. You all saw that I was the one who carried my daughter onto the train. They're the real human traffickers," the middle-aged man also shouted.

"Miss, say something. Who is the human trafficker?" Someone asked the girl.

The girl was so anxious but she could only blink her eyes.

"My daughter is deaf-mute. She can't hear at all. They're bullying us because we're from the countryside. Everyone, please stand up for us." The middle-aged woman shouted loudly.

"Don't listen to her nonsense," Guo Xiang sneered, "This girl is perfectly normal. They gave her medicine so she can't move or speak. They are human traffickers. If you don't believe me, you can call the police and get the police to come over. If I'm wrong, I'll kneel down and apologize to them sincerely!" 

"Who asked you to kneel? You b*tch, you'll die a horrible death!" The middle-aged woman couldn't break free and started cursing.

The middle-aged man was also struggling, but the rope was tight and he could not break free at all.

"Miss, this girl can't talk. How do you know she took medicine?" Someone asked Guo Xiang.

Guo Xiang really did not know how to answer for a moment. If she said that she communicated with the girl through Morse code, how many people would believe it? How many people would actually know about the Morse code? 

"In short, let's wait for the police to arrive first. We'll see if we've caught the wrong person later. If I were a human trafficker, would I be so stupid to call the police?" Guo Xiang said.

"You're right. If she was really a human trafficker, she wouldn't dare to call the police."

"Then let's wait for the police to arrive first..." everyone nodded.

Guo Xiang walked to the girl's side, "don't be afraid. You're safe!"

The girl's face was filled with gratitude. Her mouth moved, but she could not say a word.

Soon, someone called the police over.

The police were shocked when he saw that they had captured two people, "what's going on?"

Huang Zhengli and Yi Zichen were still dumbfounded and shook their heads at the same time.

"Officer, it's great that you're here. These two tried to rob us and tied us up. Please, save us!" The middle-aged man was the first to complain.

"Officer, you have to help us!" The middle-aged woman also howled. She wiped her tears and snot to gain sympathy.

The police officer frowned. Guo Xiang quickly went forward, "Officer, don't listen to their nonsense. These two people are human traffickers. This girl was abducted by them."

"We are not. What evidence do you have?" The human trafficker still tried to argue. 

"Yes, what evidence do you have?" The police officer said.

"This girl told me herself," Guo Xiang said.

"You are talking nonsense. She can't talk at all. How can she tell you?" The middle-aged man shouted.

"No, she can talk. She told me everything." Guo Xiang smiled contemptuously, "you can only blame yourself for kidnapping the wrong person!"

"Officer, let's talk somewhere else. This girl has a special identity. We shouldn't talk here!" Guo Xiang said to the police.

"Officer, don't listen to her. My daughter is deaf and mute. She can't talk at all. She's also sick. She can't move around!" The middle-aged woman shouted.

"Yes, let us go first. We should take this slow. You can't just tie us up without any proof. This is lynching!" The middle-aged man screamed as well. 

"We can't let them go!" Guo Xiang said sternly, "if we let them go, they'll run away!"

"Officer, I promise you that I didn't catch the wrong person. I will explain it to you in detail!" Guo Xiang said seriously.

Another junior police officer said from the side, "Sir, it was the three of them who beat up the robbers last night. They don't look like bad people!"

"Who knows if they are bad people? Maybe they are thieves themselves. Maybe they worked as a group?" The middle-aged man argued.

The chief police officer frowned and waved his hand, "bring them over first. You guys come over too!"

"What about this girl? She can't move!" Guo Xiang pointed at the girl leaning against the window.

The young police officer walked over, "I'll carry her!"

The human trafficker was desperate when they heard that. It was over. It was over. They couldn't run away.

Guo Xiang took the bag with the money and handed it to Huang Zhengli. She carried her own bag and went to the train attendant's room with the police.

"Tell me what happened," the chief police officer looked at Guo Xiang.

"This girl and the two human traffickers got on the train at the station just now. The girl was leaning against the window and didn't say anything. She was sweating. I saw that her expression was not right, so I wanted to ask her if she was sick. The human traffickers were afraid that I would come into contact with her, so they stopped me."

"After that, this girl kept blinking at me. I felt that something was wrong, so I paid special attention to her. In the end, she told me that she was not the daughter of those two people at all. They were human traffickers. They were the ones who caught her and fed her medicine so she couldn't move or talk," Guo Xiang said.

"Since she couldn't speak, how did she tell you?" The police officer beside her asked.

Huang Zhengli and Yi Zichen also looked at Guo Xiang curiously. They didn't understand what was going on at all.

"Actually, she told me when she blinked. The speed and frequency of her blinking were regular, just like..." Guo Xiang thought for a moment, "yes, just like sending a telegram. Beep-beep-beep, there's a password and I understood it, so I know what happened."

The girl blinked again, completely agreeing with Guo Xiang's words.

"But this is just your side of the story. Who knows if you're lying to us?" The chief police officer asked. 

"You can ask the girl yourself. She won't lie to you, right?" Guo Xiang said.

The police captain looked at the girl, "if she's right, blink. If not, don't blink."

The girl blinked, and Guo Xiang laughed, "told you."

"Is it really that amazing? There's such a code? Blink and show it to me," the chief police officer said curiously.

The girl began to blink. Guo Xiang looked carefully and wrote it down, "she said her name was Mu Qing. She came here on a business trip. She saw the woman fell and kindly went to help her up. However, the man took a handkerchief and knocked her unconscious when she wasn't expecting it. When she woke up, she found that she couldn't move or speak."

The junior police officer was shocked, "she only blinked for a short while, and she told us the whole story?"