He Was Three Years Old

It was that handsome face that would anger both men and gods.

However, the man's hair was slightly messy. He looked tired, and his pair of cold and fierce eyes seemed to have lost their coldness. Instead, they seemed more noble and elegant.

His long and thick eyelashes cast a small shadow on his face. He was so damn good-looking!

Most importantly, the man's body was actually…

He was actually leaning against her peacefully, his head subconsciously rubbing against her neck.

Gu Qiqi unconsciously swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

The way that the domineering man looked when he was still half-asleep was so adorable!

She would even believe that he was three years old!

She gathered her courage and stretched out her slender fingers to rub his eyelashes.

Her fingertips itched.

His eyelashes were so long and thick!

It felt amazing.

Gu Qiqi couldn't help but rub it repeatedly.

"What are you doing?"