The Most Advanced Black Technology

Gong Jue's cold face was dark.

This stupid woman's private life is so chaotic!

Not only was she fooling around with that wild man when she escaped, she also carried a pregnancy test kit with her. There were also so many men saved in her phone—Little Master?

"One look at this name and I can tell that he's a sissy!" Gong Jue snorted coldly in disdain.

Stupid woman's terrible taste.

"Why are you looking at my phone?" Gu Qiqi's vigilant voice traveled over.

Gong Jue's long and slender fingers flipped through it twice.

The words "Little Master Xiao Ning" were immediately covered.

The number was still there. However, it could no longer be dialed out nor could it be entered. It had been moved to a blacklist.

Using the most advance black technology!

Gu Qiqi took over the phone and flipped through it. She didn't find anything abnormal.