Chapter Four

The morning had never greeted Evelyn agitated when Flo shook her awake, furiously.

''Evelyn, wake up something is happening in town.'' Flo's voice was barely a whisper.

''Mom? What is it?'' Her voice came out groggily, awakening from her slumber. Rubbing her eyes, she saw Flo standing in front of her, frantically shaking her head.'' Mum, why are you whispering?''

''Something is happening in the town.''

''Where's father?''

''He's in the towns central.''

Evelyn Flew out of bed and shrugged on a jacket, not even caring to put on more appropriate attire. Flo and she rushed to the town's center. Many thoughts ran through Evelyn's head, was another rule going to be announced? no, Flo wouldn't be so scared, she would be angry instead. As they arrived at the central, they were greeted by so many people, almost half of the town—boisterously loud and scared? What were they scared about? Evelyn Thought to herself. She has never seen so many people gathered in one place, sharing the same expression. She grabbed Flo's hand and pushed through the crowds. The townspeople shuffled and murmured closed in on her.

''What's happening?'' She questioned an old woman next to her. Instead, the old woman placed her face in her hand and began chanting incoherently. Evelyn Glazed over at Flo questionably, Flo returned an oblivious glance. It's either she's tongue-tied or has aphasia. Discarding the woman's bizarre behavior, Evelyn Led Flow to the front of the crowd, she gasped when she saw a bloody, covered pair of clothes laying on the ground. The blood wasn't that poor but it was the condition of the clothes—tattered, holes that seemed to be from some sort of animal. Next to it, small bits of flesh but. . . where is the rest of the body?

''Oh my God!'' Flo gasped, backing away from the sight. What the hell was going on?

''The end is near!''

Of course, the little gibberish fueled the crowd into a state of frenzy.

''What is the meaning of this?'' A voice boomed overhead, Evelyn Looked up to see General McCullough riding down with his horsemen behind him. The crowd huddled at the General's rough and demanding tone, many persons abandoned the crowd and hid —fools, Evelynstood there as the pompous man strode past the remaining people. He stopped and climbed off the horse, standing on the pavement. Lines of stress form on his forehead, his blood-shot eyes squinted into the small crowd, his eyes flickered onto Adelaide. Her breathing hitch, last night's event suddenly replayed her head, had he seen her? His face hardened in concentration, instead of approaching her, he turned away and motioned with his hand for the people to leave, where was her father?

''Alright, alright nothing to see here!'' A young horseman ushered to the people. They began mumbling among themselves as they retreated. Evelyn Uploaded away, when she looked behind her she saw that his eyes had found her once again.

''Child, are you hearing me?'' Flo's voice cuts her from the trance she was in.

She sprung around immediately. ''Yes, mother?''

''We have to look for your father, I don't think you should go to the center today.''

''What? You know how much my classes are important to me.''

''More important than your life?''

Evelyn Threw her hand up in the air.'' Nothing will happen to me, why do you always think that?''

''I'm your mother, it's my duty to look out for you.'' Flo countered.

''I know, but it seemed like father's negative energy has affected you now.''

''My negative energy?'' Monroe questioned appearing out of nowhere. He had on the working attire and a small leather bag slung over his clad-covered shoulder.

''And, where have you been?'' Flo asked nonchalantly.

''Around, darling,'' he responded firmly. His eyes cast themselves upon his nervous daughter..'' You aren't going to class today.''


''You're not going, and that's final.'' He said sternly, awaiting defiance from her.

Evelyn huffed and walked away. Unbelievable, that was what it was.

Afternoon came, Evelyn packed her satchel, and grabbed a small snack. If she can't stay at home, then maybe she would study at her small secret place down by the pond. Only Luke and her knew about the spot, that was why it was a secret. She wasn't going to let a silly operation ruin her studies. As she walked, she hugged her satchel close to her chest, the tall green slightly brushing under the hem of her dress. It was always so peaceful and calm out here, especially since summer was approaching, the smell of warm breeze was overwhelming in the air. When she came down to the pond, she laid down a small patch of hay and began reading. The pond was only a few yards away from the grassland, it was large but muddy with water lilies left afloat.

Just as she was about to eat a nip from her snack, a rummaging sound came from the nearby grasses. Her heart lurched in her chest, she'd never come here alone, she always came with Luke. Everyone knows that the woods are teachers and dangerous. The grasses moved slightly, she steadied her book. Luke's grinning face came emerging from the grass, Evelyn sighed, she was going to live.

''Luke, you scared me!'' She yelled, throwing the book at him in which he caught it with a hand and placed it under his armpit.

Luke scratched the back of his head, dirty blond hair shaking as he did.'' Scared, you are a little kitten, aren't you? Besides, I didn't know you would be here.''

''Well, my father said I couldn't leave for school today, so here I am.'' She explained gruffly, laying back on her stomach. Luke smiled, retrieving the books from his underarm. He took a seat beside her, folding his arms around his buckled cuffs.

''My father said the same thing. Hey, have you heard about what's happened between the wee hours of this morning?''

Evelyn yawned, sitting up. ''Of course, how could I not? when the town revolves around chin-wagging, that's the reason why father debars my education today.''

Last night replayed in her head once again, the General seemed a bit frantic when she saw him and this morning, he seemed even edgier when he addressed the townspeople. Maybe it was just her imagination straying too far this time. Or maybe it's her instincts. She couldn't tell Luke about what happened last night, he would probably make a deal out of zero.

''What do you think it was?''

''I don't know, an animal or something. Do you know who the person was?''

Luke shook his head, pursing his bottom lip.'' No, but I heard he was a poor farmer, he was someone's grandpa.''

And father, she wanted to add. Instead, she sighed. She did not like to hear of the death. From no angle, it was not pleasant at all.

''A crow flew into town yesterday.'' Somehow, she felt like telling him that. Maybe, to see his reaction perhaps. And like everyone else, his reaction was the same.

''A crow, " he gasps. ''That's impossible.''

She saw something in his eyes, was it fear?

''Apparently, they are not.'' Evelyn tilted her head, studying his expression. '' Tell me you don't believe in that silly superstitions, it's just something designed to keep people in fear of living.''

''There are some things vague humans can't understand.''