chapter Five

And just like that, they were two sides of a coin. Something shifted inside Evelyn. Had she been wrong this entire time? Letting her logic crowd her judgment. Even as an eerie silence entered, she pitied her words. It was never in her intention to completely be engrossed in her beliefs that she inconsiderately deemed others preposterous, maybe that was how Luke felt just now. Eyes glazing over her figure, Luke sighed innerly.

''Hey, I have an idea,'' Luke yelped, breaking the silence. ''Why don't we go swimming, ladybug?''

''Um, I don't think that's a good idea.'' She looked at him wide-eyed. She came here to study, not to swim. Plus she had already used most of her time talking to him. With this rate, she would never get anything done.

''Come on, it will be fun.'' Luke insisted, taking off his sandals.

''What are you doing?''

He turned around and winked at her, now taking off his shirt. Luke was ripped, tanned, and handsome, Evelynfelt a blush come to her face, she wasn't even realizing that she was checking him out. ''Scared of a little water now, are you ladybug?'' Sometimes she just wants to wrap her tiny arms around his neck and choke him to death. ''You coming… or not?'' He said, diving off into the water. Water splashes onto her, she hides the book and shoots him a glare. Luke now emerges from the brine. Water ripples down his pitted shoulder, ignoring the urge to peer over his shoulder, Evelyn Buried her head in the book.

Both hadn't realized how quickly the time flew by. It was almost late in the evening when they scurried on the growing dark pathway. The day had been so much fun, even his pitiful attempts to get her in the water. A few splash now and then, she still didn't go in the water with him. She was self-conscious about her image, let alone getting half-naked with him. It wasn't like when they were kids, all the silly stuff they did when they were children. No, this is different —they're all grown up now. Whether he realized it or not, it would be extremely awkward. On their way back, Evelyn clutched her book tight to her chest, feeling a sudden rush of wind flew by. On the dirt track, Luke was about a foot away from her, her legs were short and hitching to keep up.

''Why are you walking so slow, slowpoke?'' Luke yelled up ahead, teasingly.

''Your last word says it all, puke.'' She countered, scowling as she prod along the dark path. He grinned back at her but stopped abruptly when he heard a warped howl of an animal. It sounded like a. . . wolf. Almost fearfully, he turned back and looked at Evelyn Who had her gaze on the ground, she didn't hear it. He intentionally waited up ahead for her, the wind whistles, and the trees danced along to its melodious tune. It happened too suddenly, all too sudden when Luke saw something run across the passage up ahead. Stunned, he nearly scrambles to his feet and loses his balance.

''Luke?'' Evelyn's voice was anxious and impatient behind him.

''We should hurry and get home now.''

''What's wrong?''

He was silent. That was the last thing she heard from him that night. He seemed eager to get home. Perhaps it was because of the curfew, she couldn't decide if it was. On their way home, he was quiet and his behavior seemed unusual—he ignored her when she tried to talk to him like he didn't hear her.

For the rest of the week, Evelyn continued hearing weird rumors circulating town. There were rumors because no one confirmed anything; a rumor is merely a story. Until proven to be true. The mayor continued exploiting the town, which had brought in an overseer. More. When morning came, Evelyn lunged from the bed. Her brunette locks tousled, and her eyes grew accustomed to the light in the room. Plodding into the bathroom, she fixed herself. Once she was dressed, she headed down to the kitchen, expecting her mother to be there but she wasn't. With her footsteps soundless against cold tiles, she popped into the living room. Her parents, who were unaware of her presence, spoke in silence. Too silent. Perched on a nearby armchair, Jo was adjacent to him, her hand over Monroe's shoulder, who sat rigidly with his face in hands.

''You looked worried.''

As if caught with their hands down the cookie jar, her parents pulled away, frighteningly. The shifty way their eyes danced around the room made Evelyn Anxious, whatever it was it was not good since they were silent as a doornail.

''Mother, what is it?'' She pressed, stepping forward.

Jo sniffled, running a finger under her nose, Monroe didn't say anything but shook his head, faintly.

''Fo—four.'' Obviously, Jo was having issues speaking. The middle-aged woman hiccupped. Evelyn walked around the armchair and tentatively placed a hand on the woman's shoulder. '' Four persons were found d-death this morning. ''


''They were torn into shreds,'' Flo added.