Chapter#01: The Death Bed

His heart was stabbed with a silver knife, lying down on bed with mouth agape and blood shot eyes, in a messy room of an old district building. When the rotten smell of his body started to spread throughout the 5th floor, one of the neighbor Nisa knocked on the door of room 201 which was the origin of that unpleasant smell. No one answered. Nisa suspected something dreadful might had happened to the man living beside him, she without a second thought contacted the police station located near the old deserted Goussainville district of France.

'Hello, how may I help you?' the police officer receiving the call on the other hand asked Nisa.

' I would like to report that my neighbor Jason, has been missing for a few days and there is a rotten smell coming from his apartment, I think something might be wrong here.' Nisa filed a complaint and later a police mobile reached the mentioned location.

After primal investigation, the local police concluded that there is much more to it than it seems and they might not be able to solve this case without additional help, as it was out of their reach to handle the matters at hand.

The case named 'Death bed' whose victim was Jason Wale, a man in his thirties and was living alone in the room 201. It was handed to the "S.C.I" (special crime investigation) unit.

What reason lead the case to fall into the hands of S.C.I, will they be able to solve the mysteries.....?


Officer Mathew had to leave his freshly brewed hot coffee just to look over a case file ' Death bed' as a he was asked by the higher authorities to hasten up the investigation because their analysis report states that delaying it anymore could lead to many more ineffable scenarios.

Mathew thought what could cause such a commotion among higher ups to make them this anxious. It was still an early Monday morning where clock struck 9:00 a.m. only now and there was no one beside him and William in the office, others have yet to arrive.

He got back to his table while sipping his coffee which has now turn cold and skimming through the details of 'death bed' case file. Deep in thoughts over this case he lost the track of time, it was almost 12:30 p.m. when he realized that he had to discuss this case with his team which had already arrived long since 10:00 a.m.

Mathew Wilson was an expert special crime investigator, nothing could escape from his blue eyes and clever mind. A 45 year old man yet attractive enough with blonde hairs and 6 feet 5 inches height, to catch the attention of many women around him except one. The only woman in this department that treated him like an ordinary old man. Yes, really! Can you believe that she referred such a hunk as an old man. So what if he was 45, he was still in perfect shape with broad shoulders and six packs....

After Mathew was done going through the case details he messaged William to call everyone for a meeting within 5 minutes, he picked up the case file as well the documents required to elaborate the 'death bed' case scenario to his team and walked out of his cabin towards the meeting room but before he could reach there his phone rang, it was from the local police, they mentioned that there was a development regarding the case he is leading.

"We have got a new piece of information but we cannot ensure its complete authenticity, we don't know how much evidence was forged, but still we will fax you the details". Officer Gill (local police officer) briefed the details to Mathew on call.

It was almost 1:25 p.m. when the call ended.

"Robert could you get the fax we just received." Mathew asked his right handed man who was waiting for him in the conference room.

'Sure' Robert nodded and stepped out of the room. Now Mathew drew his attention towards his team members who were already waiting for him for half an hour.

'Sorry guys I got delayed by a case related call' he apologized before starting the meeting. He placed the case file and the details that Robert just brought in front of his colleagues.

Mathew had an outstanding team that included Robert who was in his late thirties with an average height and dark complexion, William a man with high spirits that just got appointed two months ago; tall and fairly good-looking 23 year young man, Eve a praise worthy woman with caliber higher than men; blonde hairs with a pair of green sharp eyes and pale skin, Louis a 55 year experienced old man with best logistics.

And the woman famous for her intelligence and mysterious aura Snow Harper also known as 'ice agent' due to her cold and indifferent attitude; she's calm and confident looking straight into the eyes of danger and fighting bravely when faced with challenges; there are many but one of the best weapon she possess is sarcasm, it could kill...!

Her capabilities and powers are no joke...


As soon as Mathew mentioned that higher authorities are making a fuss to investigate this case within a week's time limit, element of pressure and stress became evident in the meeting room.

'Do they want to strain us to death?' Robert complained under his breath about being imposed with over-work. Mathew perceived what Robert has muttered as he was seated right beside him.

"Focus! And stop complaining, it's what you're paid to do even if you don't take it as a responsibility think of it as getting your job done." Mathew told Robert to calm down.

"Now back to the point, victim of 'death bed' case is Jason Wale, age thirty-two, height 5ft.8inches, worked as a restaurant manager from 9:00 a.m. till 10:00 p.m." Mathew shared the basic details before moving onto the new piece of information they had received earlier today.

The new intelligence from the district police disclosed that Jason was involved in some illegal business with the underworld mafia. But they weren't sure about its validity. Mathew stated it's the only lead we got to try our luck on.

"It's half true, give me a day to prove it" Snow claimed. Stunned, every head turned towards her, as she was always a quiet person never saying anything unless she was sure of it and the outcomes always proved her to be accurate time and again.

'Got it, one day you have!' Mathew agreed with a smile on his face. No one dared to oppose just because they knew how fact-based could she be and that domineering personality of hers is enough to shut anyone up. be continued......