Death Bed [part 2]

Snow walked out of the meeting room gracefully while dialing a number on her phone with her long elegant fingers.

'Hello', as the receiver picked her call she asked; "Is it done?" with calm yet dominating voice.

From the other side she got a satisfying answer after which she stepped into her cabin to collect her keys from the table before walking out of the S.C.I building towards the parking lot.

There was a black ducati V4S that perfectly suited her personality, intriguing as they say.

She preferred it more than a car because it seemed easier and fun to ride it when on the move for work or to chase someone… a criminal most probably. Classic right?

In front of the café that was five minutes' drive away from the office, a man in saggy jeans and a black hoody waited for her according to the appointment they just made via call a few minutes ago. It was already 5:15 p.m. by now.

Snow reached there, exact on the time they agreed upon. A moment later that man handed her an envelope stating, "This is what you asked for."

After analyzing the contents of the envelop she nodded, "keep me updated regarding any new information on this, and keep your tracks well hidden" while commanding him.

Even though she asked Mathew to give her a day to resolve the truth of the lead they got on this case, she was already done getting the evidence to prove her facts and statements. But she would call it a day and will discuss the new details with the team tomorrow morning, because they already had too much on their plates and now they needed a clear mind to focus on this part of information.

Without going back to the office, she called Mathew informing him that she will not return but have got something to share that will have to wait till tomorrow morning.

Plugging in the keys she started her ducati and rode towards the direction of crime scene that was Jason's apartment. Once reaching there she realized it was awfully quiet and something felt off about the surroundings, she looked for any hints of security cameras around but found none. It was one of the remote areas of the district. Cautiously she entered the victim's apartment in search for something that could provide a link or the reason behind his death.

The sky had almost turn dark when she arrived there which added more to the element of threat into the air. Carefully she observed the crime scene laid in front of her eyes, not leaving any details behind. She was good at it.

After that she replayed what could the victim has gone through before his death. Noticing that there was not much of the blood in the room nor on the bed, there were no signs of struggling. It was so against the theoretical and materialistic explanation of a murder where the victim was stabbed with a knife in the heart and the fact that he does not have any relatives or lover, anyone who he could have trusted to the point of getting killed without putting up a fight for life. It seemed more like a suicide or a clean murder plotted by someone who is experienced.

She looked for fingerprints other than Jason's. But as she guessed there were none. The murderer made the biggest mistake here.


Tuesday morning William reached the office before everyone as usual and unlocked it. He was in charge of handling matters regarding meeting schedules and receiving input for any new leads, he was new but worked well enough to be placed in the special team unit with Mathew and the others.

After organizing the files according to what Mathew ordered, he made few copies as the reference for other team members just before they arrived.

At 9:00 a.m. sharp everyone joined Mathew in the meetings as planned.

"Why call in us so early?" Robert asked casually sipping off the tea he just bought in.

"Put down that cup first, who permitted you to drink here!" Mathew reprimanded him not answering his protested question.

"I came here without breakfast, do you expect me to focus without having anything?" Robert again put forward a question knowing well enough he will be scolded again.

"Drop that non serious attitude of yours, we are here to discuss important matters and Snow was the one who called in for the meeting." Mathew responded while restraining back the words he wanted to say.

On the mention of Snow, Robert got no more reason to keep up the unreasonable behavior. He was sensible enough to stop before going overboard. If he wasted anymore time no one knew what would happen to him.

Snow was calmly seated opposite to Mathew across the table, letting everyone take their time to adjust in. After everyone settled in, she cleared her throat before speaking. This act of hers alerted everyone in room that it's time to get serious if not they will have to face the consequences for going against her.

"Jason was indeed involved with the underworld." She stated before adding "It was more like he saw something he shouldn't have and got threatened over it rather than being a part of underworld mafia" She gestured towards the files in front of everyone. "The evidence is in here, these photos were caught by the nearby security camera. Although they are not clear but are well enough to prove what is going on".

"So you conclude that he was murdered because of this?" Eve placed the question for Snow to answer. She was brave enough to do that.

Even though Snow was indifferent and distant with an emotionless face, she was good and enduring of her teammates time to time. But they knew she never liked her words to be questioned, as she was not the person to speak until she was sure of it and was confident of the evidence she has to support her statements.

"Entirely not." Snow replied to Eve calmly without minding her.

Everyone sighed internally with relief, seeing that this did not offend Snow as they thought.

But what did she mean by saying that 'not entirely?'.....