Death Bed [part 3]

After reading the atmosphere in the room, seeing as everyone was confused by her remarks, Snow explained. "Do you think if anyone from the underworld did that murder we would find the corpse in the house?" Adding she said; "And there is no way possible that a criminal would intentionally leave any traces behind, leading him to be caught."

Everyone nodded in agreement to the points she raised. Now they had the better picture of what to do. Even though the facts leaded to some underworld people but it was best not to assume them as murderers, there was someone who was purposely trying to deceive everyone with the fake information. It was all clear now.

If they now want to investigate this case they had to start from the beginning again. But the possibility was not ruled out totally for the mafia to be involved so they also have to deal with them as well.

It amazed everyone how capable she was to put the first key together to unlock the case.

Even though Mathew was the team captain, he never denied that Snow easily surpassed him. He was the man who acknowledged capabilities and intelligence more than anything. He knew well enough that Snow was more capable and resourceful than him. She was the one who rejected to take that seat, she finds it a hassle to manage the team as well as it also restricts her to work and gather the information freely. She was good with both group work as well as independent tasks and jobs. She could manage being a leader but choose not to, to give her all to efforts and have her independence.

She lacked nothing…

She was indifferent and cold always having a distant aura and a mysterious vibe to her.

Well, enough about her! I should focus on the present now, not her. Mathew came back from his thoughts with this realization.

"Old man, I will be gone for a good few days." Snow declared.

"Don't call me-" Mathew had to stop midsentence after being glared at by Snow that meant any problem.

Everyone stifled their chuckles under their breaths, Mathew eyed everyone daring them to laugh out loud if they don't want to go home anytime soon.

"Um- so why and where will you be?" Mathew asked.

There was a moment of silence before Snow broke it by saying, "Will discuss this in your cabin."

This indicated that it was the end of the meeting, it was already past twelve in the afternoon when they wrapped up the meeting before going through the main points that should next be focused.


After exiting the conference room Mathew entered his cabin followed by Snow.

"Have a seat." He gestured her to sit in one of the chair at front and sat on the opposite one himself, having a table separating them.

"Now would you please state your reasons." He said, offering her a cup of coffee knowing well enough after working for more than eight years together that she liked her coffee strong.

"I will be keeping a watch on someone related to this case." She explained while enjoying her coffee.

"But why are you taking that risk?" Mathew put forward his concern for her. "Do you have anything else you know then why not disclose it to me?"

"I have to collect the evidence before that." Ignoring his concern for her, Snow replied.

Her aura intriguing to the point even Mathew was dazed for a few seconds there.

"Ask Louis to monitor the victim's apartment, I will ask Robert to place the hidden cameras there." Her voice brought him back to his senses.

Louis was one of the best I.T. expert they had on their team. And he was a vigilant man.

A question popped up in Mathew's head, that why does she refer to him as an old man while Louis was clearly much older than him but she uses his name to refer to him. Why??

It's always the same…. Anyway!

Leaving the trail of his thoughts aside, he took a last glance towards the lady who was done with her work here and was ready to get up and leave for good, if she stayed another moment he would desire for her to stay here much longer together with him.

"Looked enough?" He was caught red handed staring at her, how it could be possible for someone to not be charmed by her, he was also a captured slave of her beauty and elegance.

She had a cold face on but had fierce looking eyes as usual …. Always intimidating others to the point they had to shrink back.

"Ahem- Stay safe." Mathew cleared his throat as to wash away the embarrassment and said his goodbye to Snow.

Snow left his office after giving a satisfactory nod.


Snow sat in her comfortable chair closing her eyes for a moment to arrange the schemes she had in her mind properly, to think of the next plan she was going to execute soon. It should be perfect leaving no space for mistakes and those few seconds were really enough for her to do that.

The clock already struck three in the afternoon, she felt the need to get some food before reopening the old cases. She wasn't in the mood to go out and grab something so she ordered some Chinese online.

While she was waiting for her food to arrive, she gave Mathew as call stating; "Ask Eve and William to look for the old cases where the similar crime pattern was followed and if they do get something send it to my email don't text or call me until I do so in the next few days." She concluded what she wanted to say without giving him a chance to interfere or question her.

"Understood. Anything else?" He replied knowing well enough there was nothing else to say, but he wanted this call to linger on for other few minutes so that he could talk to her more about her future plans.

She didn't gave him a chance and ended the call with an abrupt "No."
