Death Bed [part 4]

After being done having her lunch, Snow packed up the necessary documents and her gun well secured in her 'makeup' set. She was going on a mission where she has to be careful at each step and move ahead with full consideration or it could get more complicated than it already is.

As she was getting her things done while putting on her jacket, there was a subtle knock on her cabin door. It was Robert.

"You asked for me?" After being permitted to enter Robert questioned.

"Yes, install these spy cameras near the crime scene and at the victim's apartment. Make sure to place them at such angles that are perfect to cover the whole area and keep them well hidden." She explained the reason for calling him over.

"Got it." Robert affirmatively nodded. She handed three spy cameras over to him, saying "That's all. You can leave."

Robert wanted to say something but thought its best to keep his mouth shut and he walked out of her office without any further delay. It was in his best interest to do so because Snow wouldn't have tolerated him any longer there other than work.


Snow was just about to leave the office building when she encountered something she wasn't expecting. One of the big shots, 'George Ben' an industrial business man who was suspected to be involved with the black market dealers.

What was he doing here outside the S.C.I building….?

She waited until he walked away, far enough not to notice her presence that's when she moved out of the shadows. Her black suit was now covered in dust as she kept herself hidden by rolling swiftly under a parked car to avoid being seen by George or his men. She was quite quick-witted to do so.

She was a clean-freak so she now had to go back to her office to get out of that smeared work outfit.

'What a hassle', she thought to herself. Once again she was in her cabin, she was getting changed into a track suit when she got interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Mathew, he asked while standing on the other side of the closed door, "Is everything alright? Haven't you left yet?"

She didn't answer for a while. Until he knocked again, worried which was meaningless, "Snow?" calling out to her again.

"Come in." Finally she allowed him to enter, annoyed more than she was even before, because of being delayed again and again.

Mathew stepped in hurriedly and was caught off guard when he saw her, she was still getting her track suit shirt on. "What is it?" she asked.

Unable to voice out anything he stumbled a few steps and turned his back towards her.

"S-sorry I- didn't know you were getting changed." He stuttered out the apology.

'Oh God and when I thought it was over, she got me here again. She is like a magnet, she is repelling me but makes me want to be closer to her. In casual clothes she looks more beautiful and relaxed, less intimidating than in her work outfit.' Mathew thoughts got the best of him again his mind was filled with what he just saw. It was hard to get rid of such imaginations when you have a crush on her for eight years. 'Although it's just a crush, don't think about her.' Mathew braced himself pulling out of that chaotic mind when he looked so dumb standing there saying nothing.

"I am done." Snow said, indicating that he can turn around and face her now. It was already awkward enough for Mathew, "Is there a problem? You are back here?" to hide his intentions and thoughts he tried to strike a conversation.

What he possibly didn't know was that Snow could read others' minds easily. She knew what he was thinking but ignored it, she didn't care about him out of her professional relationship. That's what she thought at least.

"I saw George Ben here." She told him the reason for coming back.

"What was he doing here?" with a look of curiosity Mathew asked her.

"That's exactly my question" Snow counteracted the same question back at him.

"Ah- yeah basically I thought you may knew." He knew she wasn't in best of her mood and this is not getting any better, if he made another silly remark he wouldn't be standing intact here.

There was another wave of tense silence, he felt pressured standing there alone under her gaze.

She raised an eyebrow as to imply 'what is it? Anything else?'

"Nothing, I will ask William to look into this matter as soon as possible." Mathew claimed.

"That's the end of our conversation." Snow implied, asking him to leave the room.

"But-" he wanted to say something but stopped as to notice the expressions on her face. As always she had that expressionless, indifferent look.

"Well?" Snow asked the confused man standing in front of her. She knew what he wanted to ask but she didn't want his concern. As to avoid that, she instead gave him the piece of her mind. So she added, "George maybe involved in this case and for him to be here means he has someone supporting him from this side."

"Should we go with this lead then?" He questioned, understanding to an extent what she meant.

"Possibly, I have already explained myself. What else do you need, for you to leave me alone?" She exclaimed. She was tired and wanted a moment of rest, was it too much for her to ask. Maybe she could have asked nicely but that wouldn't be her then.

"Nothing else. I will take my leave now, excuse me." Mathew left without another word after taking a last glance at her.

Snow sighed leaning back in her chair, closing her eyes for a moment to adjust her mood.

On the other hand, Mathew still wasn't in his right state of mind after all that he had encountered, how could he be?

'What else do I want, she is just a colleague. She doesn't even take me as a friend, we just have a professional relationship nothing more nothing less. She wouldn't like it either. Then why can't I shake her off my mind?' He thought to himself.

Poor him......

…....... To be continued......…