Hanging on the wall [Part 2]

Inside the secret room, an auction was being held. All VIPs' were present at the moment and a painting was the hot topic of their discussions whereas pearls were the main focus for this auction, they weren't cheap so very few were there who could actually afford them so that painting attracted most of their attention. It was one of the antique collections, a very rare find too.

Ice was also here for the exact same reason, for that painting of course, and she had to get her hands on it by any means. Rob was one of the strong chess pieces she could use as a bargaining chip right now, as he had fell head over heels for her and would do anything she would ask for neglecting the price he would have to pay.

This event was the first time they ever met but just this evening was entirely enough for Ice to capture his heart, she was hypnotic and magnetic and her mesmerizing beauty was the plus point she had among her many qualities. All this and her confidence was a perfect match which caught Rob's attention. He was a bachelor and a serious man in his personal and private life not like others but he was like an open book for her to read, so she wasn't interested in him, he never attracted her in that way. She wants much more than what he has to offer. Anyway Ice was his choice and he thought that she was totally his type and they would make a perfect couple.

Oh my, he was just dreaming of impossible. He was euphoric for things that wouldn't actually happen. Such a foolish man, trying to take too much on his plate without thinking twice. This is why he is being taken advantage of, not clever enough, not like her.

In comparison she had already planned her next moves, but just as she was going to take action something unexpected happened.

To her surprise the painting exhibited in the auction was exactly similar to something she has recently witnessed with her own eyes.

Taken aback with this, she adjusted herself to re-plan within just few seconds, she was quite capable in this, having a quick recovery, and her brain cells were working again. Now it was at the top of her priority list to get this painting as soon as possible.

Rob noticed her interest in the painting so he raised his bidding card, "One million dollar."

He raised the highest price one after another and after he said "Five million" no one was able to compete with him, they knew that he has his eyes set one this and would never let it go so it's useless to make an enemy out of him just for a painting. It was the right thing to do because in the end Robinson Dafoe was known for his brilliant achievements and persistence as one of his qualities.

He had that smirk on his face when he finally got that painting for her, just like a puppy who is asking to be petted as he has done a good job.

Ice sighed with half relief and half exasperation. She knew he got this painting for her but she doesn't like being indebted to anyone. It was a part of her plan to not get involved in the bidding as it could exposed her identity and be a threat to her further plans.

"Miss Blue, this painting is all yours, take it as a gift for our first meeting. If there is anything else you want you can ask me." Rob said advertently.

"I am really grateful but I could not accept such an expensive gift from you, I will consider taking it if you are willing to let me pay for it." She nicely portrayed her intentions.

"How could I? No! It's a gift I can't afford to let a beautiful lady pay." He panicked for a second there before regaining his composure.

"Then forget it, think of it as we never met." She implied and turned to leave the room.

"Wait!" He stopped her in mid-tracks.

"Don't leave yet, at least not like this." He spoke in a pleading manner.

He was desperate to let her go. He has this feeling that if she left here today he won't be able to see her again. This isn't what he want, he wishes to meet her again.

"I won't change my decision." She replied, taking another step forward.

"I had a good time today thanks to you, but this is beyond my conscience to accept something form you when we barely know each other." She added, to make him falter.

"Fine, I give up. You win. You can pay me this time but this is not happening again." He said compromisingly.

There is no next time though, he never knew that he is being used from the beginning till the end and yes this is the end.

But maybe if he is lucky enough to meet her again he still isn't getting any chance to have his way.

"Don't think I am trying to poach you with money, it's just my way of showing my gratitude as I also enjoyed your company a lot today." He tried to explain.

She didn't care, she got what she wanted. She handed a key over to him.

"What's this for?" he asked.

"Bank locker key, you can find the money there, locker number 206 at the national bank." She briefed him.

"You are quite stubborn." He said after taking the key from her.

"Thank you." She replied with sarcasm.

"I should take my leave, good night Mr. Robinson." She said in a formal manner while having her social smile on.

"So soon? Can't you stay a little longer, for a drink maybe?" he asked reluctantly.

"I have other matters to attend to." She replied firmly.

"Oh, then-" he stopped midsentence.

She didn't even had another glance at him before walking out of the secret room.

"Good night." He mumbled under his breath.

He felt a sense of loss after she left.