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Hanging on the wall [Part 4]

After being done with her morning exercise Ice came back to the hotel along with Rob for breakfast. But before that she said, " I will be back after freshening up."

"Sure, I will be waiting for you here." Rob replied.

As soon as she left, he took out his phone and opened up the message he had ignored before. He had been getting such messages since the auction other day, so he started wondering that whom did he possibly offend. A name suddenly flashed by in his mind 'George Ben'. He was there yesterday as well. Rob knows all the underhanded work George has been doing these past years.

'Could he have had his eyes set on the painting I got for her yesterday?' Rob thought to himself. 'If so this means Miss Blue is in danger, what should I do?' He started getting worried for her safety. Even though George posses a threat to him as he doesn't like being involved in the bad blood business, but still he is capable enough to throw George off the staged game.

Lost in his thoughts Rob suddenly realized that Ice hasn't come back for the breakfast yet. Being worried he couldn't help himself. He hurriedly took large steps, almost running towards her room. 'For God-sake just please be alright.' He couldn't think straight right now, just imagining her being hurt kills him from inside.

Just when he was about to knock on the door, it clicked open from the other side. Ice was standing there with her bold yet cold, charming beauty. Perfectly dressed in all black which in turn gave her personality a dangerous and edgy look, elegant and deadly like she always is.

With a questioning gaze she asked, "Why did you come here?"

Rob stood there without moving for a few seconds and then suddenly hugged her without warning. Tightening his grip on her shoulders he didn't say a word. He looked just like a boy who was afraid to loose his most precious toy.

"Mr. Robinson! Have you lost your mind?" She exclaimed in an authoritative yet calm voice.

"Thank God, you're fine." He muttered under his breath sighing in relief.

"What could possibly happen to me?" She asked, separating herself from him. He didn't want to let her go but a moment later he reluctantly did. " We will talk about this after breakfast. Can we?" He asked worriedly that she might reject him after how he just acted on an impulse.

She nodded in agreement after analyzing his facial expressions for a while. He seemed to be really concerned so she didn't pursue this matter any further for now.

After being seated Rob ordered two cups of coffee. Meanwhile he asked Ice, "Anything else, you would like to have?".

"Hmm... add a French sandwich." She replied giving it a mere thought.

"Would that be all sir?" The waiter asked.

"Yes." Rob responded.

As they were seated in the VIP area, their order came within fifteen minutes. While sipping his coffee, he couldn't help fixing his eyes on her silhouette. On the other hand she was just busy having her breakfast elegantly, ignoring all of that around her.