014 The Three Kings

Many hours earlier

Xavier had used the teleportation portal to arrive at the 50th floor. The Temple Of The Lost Champion was here and often used by the Three Kings as a meeting area.

The Name of the temple always made him laugh and today was no exception.

"The lost champion. I wonder Em did you ever believe that to be you?"

Keeping his thoughts to himself he quickly moved from the teleportation pad and on to the laid brick road. With brisk movement he followed it until eventually Xavier was at the footsteps of a massive abandoned temple.

It's once white stone work was now gray and faded with age and weathering. Mossy vines hung at its exterior columns. Coming here always made him feel puny. The size of it was just unreal.

Walking past the entrance and into the complex Xavier made his way past the initial preparation room and walked in to what was the sanctuary of the temple. Stepping on the marble floors his boots echoed throughout the complex. Each resonance getting louder and louder.

Before long he arrived the destroyed altar in the middle of the room.

A disfigured and cracked statue adorned the middle of the altar. It was of a hero riding several dragons. His warped cloak gave the illusion of it flowing through the wind. He had a sword raised in his right arm that would make anyone envious instantly. One could tell that at one point it was a sculpture that would leave you breathless. Unfortunately as it was now, it would just bring shame to the artist.

Xavier moved past the statue and two figures came into view.

To his left was the shrewd Quinn. The Third King. She was cloaked heavily in a black robe as if to not let anyone know it was her. The only thing that fell out of her robe were her ebony curls. Even though she was covered head to toe, her shapely body could not be concealed.

As Xavier glanced to his right he caught a much more pleasing sight. Fate stood there leaning against the wall of the temple. The Second King.

She wore such revealing clothes that it was a wonder why he hadn't leaped on her right then and there. Her strawberry blonde hair cascaded from her head and fell down to her chest covering her translucent blouse. She wore black leather thigh high boots. The skirt around her hips seemed out of place but given enough time he was sure that skirt could be removed.

Xavier started to consume Fate with his gaze as it flowed from the top of her to the bottom. It only took moments of him viewing her with deep desire before she became visibly affected and drawn to him.

To retaliate against this she started provoking him as well. Purposefully swaying to the left or right allowing her body to be shown off. With each movement her hair swayed from side to side and exposed Fate's chest to Xavier.

Unconsciously he made his way towards her. Inching more and more until he was a few feet from Fate. As he stretched his arm towards her to snatch Fate towards him he licked his lips in anticipation of the pleasure to come.

With a loud echoing cough Quinn broke the spell these two had on each other and spoke.

"It's always the same with you two. Every time we meet you can never get your hands off each other. Honestly Xavier I don't have the time for this why did you call us here?"

Her exasperated tone completely ruined the mood and the both of them returned back to reality.

Fate joined the conversation as well. Her voice as seductive as always. It was rich and full of promise.

"Seriously Xavier, I agree with Quinn this time. I was having quite some fun stomping out some rebellious flames in my back yard. You knew that didn't you? Why would you gather us here despite my situation?"

Xavier let out a deep sigh and proceeded to indulge their curiosity.

"He's back."

Was it the two words spoken or his deep voice. The pair didn't know which but the echo of it seemed to reverberate far louder than anything they heard before.

Quinn was the first to speak with her high shrilly voice.

"You lie Xavier! I've been breaking down the magic he used all those years ago. There is nothing indicating that he would ever return!"

Fate joined in.

"You're not tricking us are you?"

Frustration was quickly building from inside him. How dare they question him!?

He started to think of ways to blow off the steam. Xavier was not very successful with this task as the many reasons quickly dwindled down to a singular one.

To take them both here and now as punishment for their annoyance and doubt against him.

Quelling the burning within him, Xavier finally spoke again.

"I confirmed it myself. That monster he left on the 85th, it's finally alive and responsive."

A mischievous smile crawled onto his face.

"It's quite fun to play with, you both should give it a try in your spare time. I highly recommend it."

Ignoring his last comment she spoke with audible panic in Quinn's voice.

"What are we going to do then? If he really is back then it's obvious he is coming for us!"

Lust set in Xavier's eyes. The atmosphere around them changed as he began to close the space between them. He decided to indulge in the singular reason his earlier brainstorming had led him to.

Xavier spoke and his response was just as charged as his eyes.

"Yes it's quite obvious he is coming after us, but If you want to know what to do to survive then I suggest you listen very closely and do what I say."

Fear climbed and wrapped itself around Quinn's heart as she heard the intention behind those words. All the while excitement was taking over Fate. A delectable shiver ran down her spine.

Xavier looked down at his prey as he began to undress himself before the two. Loud clangs were being heard as the armor fell from his body and into the marble floor.

With an evil grin he spoke once more.

"Show me some fun!"