015 Otto

It didn't take long before we arrived into the residential portion of the town. We found ourselves having to wade through the sea of frantic merchants trying to make their daily sales. With how suffocating that experience was, I'm surprised we made it out alive.

I guess it helped that I was walking fast. Since we didn't stay in any one place too long most merchants were easily avoided.

I couldn't help it though. Due to the eagerness swelling inside me, my body just moved at its own speed. That speed just happened to be really fast.

The prospect of reuniting with an old friend, companion, comrade at arms, call him what you will but the idea of it was exciting.

Of course I still couldn't pretend like the worse scenario was not a possibility. He could very well be dead simply because of his close ties with me.

Xavier and Quinn were always the jealous type. Quinn with whatever new magic I would craft or find. Even though she taught me most of what I knew about magic, I could always see the envy below the surface residing within her as I would progress with my magical aptitude.

When it came to Xavier, he was jealous with literally anything in my life that he didn't have. If he couldn't have it, he would find a way to get it no matter the means.

The times that he couldn't...well he would go on a tantrum much like a child. Anything in his sight had to be destroyed until something came along and either distracted him or appeased him.

Shaking my head from the disturbing thought I looked back to see poor Ven struggling to keep up. I apologized and slowed my walking speed enough to allow her to get caught up.

Now once again at my side we walked at a much more calm pace.

Passing up familiar inns and homes, it was a strange comfort knowing that some things didn't change too much in my absence. It felt like I still had a grip on reality.

Ventus picked up that I was entranced deep in memory lane and decided to free me from the prison of memories.

"So you never really explained it but, what sort of shop is in the residential district? What are we looking for?"

"A secret one, I thought I already mentioned that?"

"You did but I still don't get it why would a secret shop be here? Is it that exclusive or what? Wait don't tell me, is it the black market?"

She gave me a questionable look and I couldn't tell if she was serious or not.

I halted my footsteps mid stride. I guess I should tell her who we are meeting right? I have only been together with Ven for little more than a day but I already feel like I could share anything with her. Honestly it would feel wrong to keep things from her.

Without anymore hesitation I gave her an explanation.

"Well if I'm being completely honest it's more of a safe house than a shop."

"I don't follow, do you have supplies stored somewhere? Is that why we are going there instead of the market?"

I placed my hand in the back of my neck as I revealed the information.

"Long ago I used to be a part of a guild. We were known as Aeternum. I don't know if you heard of us but-"

Ven's shock overtook her and she spoke out. Completely interrupting my explanation that I was in the middle of.

"You were in Aeternum!? When was this!? And what do you mean have you heard of them! Anyone who was anyone wanted to be them! How could you wait till now to tell me this!?"

Her hair bounced around as she made a fit.

I chuckled.

"To be fair I only did meet you like maybe a day ago."

She pouted.

"Anyway, I was one of its original founding members."

Ventus' jaw had fallen to the ground and was currently dropping even further.

I gently closed her jaw and once again she looked like a normal person.

"Like I was saying, I was one of the original founding members. In our guild we had a lot of talented individuals who helped us grow strong and become the power house we were."

She earnestly took in every word I said not wanting to miss a thing. Throughout her expression I couldn't help but notice a twinge of underlying heartbreak forming. I ignored it and continued.

"At the moment I'm looking for a particular individual. The only dwarf in all of Luna known as a master craftsman. No one throughout Luna could ever hope to rival his skill and talent."

My voice cracked for a moment and took on a somber tone as thoughts of all my friends came flooding by.

"I don't know what happened to my comrades or the guild we grew together but I'm praying that they are all alive and well."

Ven couldn't look me in the eye as she spoke. There were hints of hesitation in her tone as if she didn't want to share something with me. She did so anyway.

"I don't know how to tell you Em, but the guild was destroyed by the Three Kings. All the guild members are dead. The Kings ran a campaign to destroy anyone and anything from Aeternum."

Pain stabbed my heart relentlessly as I heard those words. The worse part came as Ventus continued.

"From what I heard those who hid and survived, ended up being hunted ruthlessly. Most of them met a fate worse than death. I'm so sorry."

The initial shock hit me like a crashing wave. The pain that was present earlier just swelled to unbelievable proportions.

All of this was followed by disbelief and lastly guilt. I think it was the guilt that hit the hardest. Guilt for not being there to protect them and help them in their time of need. Guilt for being blind to my circle when they conspired against me.

With clenched fists and newfound resolve I dug my heels in the ground and started running towards a lone house in the distance. If all this was true I needed to confirm it with my own eyes.

Both my silver hair and the black cloth around my eyes whipped furiously in the wind as I gained speed. Running faster and faster straight ahead to my destination.

"Em! Wait for me Em!"

Ventus shouted after me as she ran to catch up. It was a fruitless effort.

Mere moments passed by and I was in front of an abandon building. The original recruitment hall for Aeternum.

My heart dropped as my eyes took in the sight. The building was torn down and burned. Shattered and singed wood lay strewn about within the area. The only part of it that was still erect were it's stone worked columns at the sides.

As I was taking it all in, Ven finally caught up to me and as she caught her breath she laid a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Em."

"I'm sure if we keep looking maybe we can find someone still hiding somewhere. Don't give up hope."

I closed my eyes (no one can see me doing this as they are covered but for my sanity I did it anyway) and took a moment to just breathe and take in the current situation.

There has to be something left. Somewhere...

When I opened them again I looked at the scene with fresh eyes.

It looked exactly the same as before only this time I was not letting my emotion dictate over logic and reason.

It didn't take long before I started to notice very fine details that would escape the inexperienced eye.

How the cracks and splits on the wood were too precise, or the flames were more deliberately affecting certain areas of the framework.

All this gave off the illusion of being staged.

It took a while for me to pick up on all the clues but I knew it from deep inside me, that was the only possible conclusion.

All this was a ruse and the only one capable of doing such excellent work with this ploy would be one Otto, Master Craftsman.

Hurriedly I ran in to the rubble and started making a mess of things. Throwing old stones to the side or moving large planks of wood.

"Em what are you doing? There is nothing left, have you gone mad!?"

My reply was kept short due to the task at hand.

"It's a facade. Meant to look like this on purpose. Ven come here and help me move this junk."

With an exasperated look she reluctantly came and we started moving the rubble at double the speed.

It didn't take long before our labor paid off and we hit jackpot. Ven had thrown a large piece of stone to the side and it cracked several floor boards and landed with a loud thump down below.

Looking at her I gave her the brightest smile I could muster.

My instinct was right. There was something around here after all.

I motioned her to follow me in silence and crept up to the hole in the ground.

We arrived and peered inside. Hardly anything could be seen but the faint glow of possible candle light was unmistakeable. Someone was down there.

Excitement blossomed in my chest. At this new find. Ven also went from concern to intrigued. Remembering who Otto was, I had to make sure to warn her as we moved forward.

"Ven we have to be careful. Otto was a clever dwarf. It would never be this easy to just waltz into any secret spaces he makes. It's almost guaranteed death if you make a single mistake."

Before she could reply that she got the message, my ears perked up as a familiar coarse and raspy aged voice rang from below.

"You have one opportunity to identify yourself. If I don't like your answer get ready to pay for breaking my home."

Ven tensed up immediately. She started tugging at my arm that we should leave and I dismissed her. I eagerly turned back to the hole and responded.

"Otto you senile dog it's me."

The voice was silent for several moments before answering. Did he recognize me I wonder? Luckily for me I didn't have to wait long before I found out.

"It can't be, you died years ago! Stop playing tricks on me you scum! I'm tired of this! Prepare to pay the with your life!"

Ventus looked frightened as several clicking noises and audible gear turns were starting to sound off.

I had to think fast in this situation. What could I do to prove to Otto it was me? Through the panic inspiration struck, I voiced back down the hole.

"Otto, I know your darkest secret, don't make me say it aloud."

Ven stopped panicking immediately upon hearing my response. Curiosity took ahold of her as she faced me again.

The voice under the floor was silent for several moments before speaking again.

"You lie! Only one person knows it and they took my shame to the grave!"

I laughed out of delight.

"Well if you're so confident about that then I suppose you wouldn't have a problem if I just announce to the world that Otto, The greatest Craftsman to have ever graced Luna has a secret stash full of panties he steals from unsuspecting-"

Otto chimed in right on time before more embarrassment could be shed.

"Em it really is you! I can't believe it! Thank the Goddess you're alive. Wow. Wait you bastard how dare you reveal my most intimate secret!"

I couldn't help but release a full laugh.

"You old dog, you gave me no choice. Now let me in bastard."

"You idiot, Do you have any idea how long it's been since I've seen you last?! And now you come walking in here demanding to be let in!"

"Five years I believe and yes I did just ask to be let in."

"Dammit you weren't supposed to answer that you ass."

"I may be one but only cause you love me Otto. Now how do we get down there?"

"Give me a moment, cover the hole you made first I'll fix it later. Come around to the back, there should be a well. I'll drain it and you can come in through that entrance."

I smirked. Always the genius this dwarf.

"Hey old man I brought a friend along, you don't mind right?"

"Can they be trusted?"

I looked at Ven who had been ignored throughout this entire exchange between Otto and me. A mixture of shock and disgust with slight embarrassment adorned her face.

Continuing to tease her I gave her a questionable look. She responded with indignation. With a great big smile I responded.

"I'm only 27 percent sure she can be trusted."

"Well that's 27 percent more than zero so I guess she can come down too."

"Thanks Otto."

Relief and peace flooded my system. This felt familiar and the fact that Otto was still alive gave me incredible hope for the future.

We deftly covered the hole that was made. With all the rubble scattered about, our crude attempt and concealment was not too shabby.

Walking around the back we found the well Otto was talking about. As the water drained we kept a look out to make sure that there were no wandering eyes.

Once it was safe we took turns using the bucket's rope that was attached to the well to climb down until we reached the bottom.

Now finding ourselves at the bottom of the well I looked around for a door or entrance of some kind. There was none. It all looked normal like a well should.

I was about to call out for Otto when I heard a series of gears rotating and suddenly a portion of the stonework almost imploded within the wall and a door was open.

Behind the door was Otto. A dwarf of renowned legend. He stood tall at 1.5m and 100 percent solid muscle. His tanned skin looked a bit more aged than I remembered. I noticed that he finally decided to grow out his beard and what a great decision it was . That glorious mane of his combined with a near flawless beard was making him look quite spectacular. His brown eyes were filled to the brim with tears but he held stead fast to a serious face.

In response to an emotional Otto, I gave the only reply that was fitting to the situation.

"Old man, did you miss me?"