036 Underground

"Is it this one?"


Ven ran off to another pile of sand.

"How about this one?"

"Not that one either."


Ven continued to race forward to yet another patch of sand in this never ending terrain. We were making progress towards the sandstorm so I figured why not make the trek there a bit more interesting. She wanted the truth of my story and I just liked seeing her get mad. It was cute.

This method worked out for both of us. Well I should probably say it was working out mainly for me. Clearly I was getting more out of this than she was but still worth it.

Still, seeing her like this brought relief to my heart. It was good to see Ventus much stronger than she was appearing moments ago.

"Dammit Em! It better be this one, you pointed to it and I wanna know if your story is true or not!"

I formed a very sinister smile."

"How upset would you be if I told you it was that one and not this one?"

She grumpily replied.

"So you're saying it's that this one and not this that one?"


"Ahhhhh! You are infuriating you know that?!"

"Of course I do but, thanks to all my distractions look."

I pointed to the massive sandstorm before us. We had finally reached it and it's ferocious winds were brutally whipping about. The sand that was flying was buffeting us relentlessly. Of course thanks to the spectacular work Otto had done. We felt no injury whatsoever due to our armor.

As I kept my gaze on the storm, I felt puny for the first time in quite a long time. The massive dark sand infused clouds roared loudly. Commanding total worship of its majesty. As the winds picked up so did the direction and movement of the storm. At times it almost appeared to be chasing us.

Ven looked upon it in awe. I could understand the sentiment but now was no time to admire it. The storm itself was far more dangerous than the floor boss within could ever hope to be.

I tugged at Ven and grabbed her arm. I began pulling her away and off to the side. Redirecting us to temporary shelter.

"When did we get here?!"

"Sometime between the this that sand spot and the that this spot."

"You confuse me Em."

"That is often the case." I smiled back.

"Anyway let's go we are not too far off from the underground cavern I was talking about."

We stopped moving forward towards the storm and instead moved west of it. Inching forward with the utmost caution, I led us parallel to the edge of the storm. With a mind of its own, the natural depravity moved alongside with us, desiring to consume us.

Moments later it succeeded as we found ourselves surrounded by the outer edges of nature's fury. However, being entrapped this much was fine. There was still some visibility at least. Albeit, since I was guiding the both of us, I had to be careful to not drive us too deep in it. Else we would be lost and our only hope of salvation would be to kill the floor boss in order to escape.

It was a disorienting experience but, eventually as we kept pushing on, we were rewarded with what I had been seeking this entire time. A mountain of stone hidden on the outer edges of this forsaken storm.

"We are here!"

I called out to Ven. The bustling winds drowned out my voice making it almost impossible to communicate.

"Where?! I don't see an enterance!"

"Just hold on!"

Clasping my hand around hers, I instructed her to lean flat on the stone. I did the same and together we started side stepping deeper and deeper into the sandstorm. Using the stone monument as our only anchor we pressed on blindly as the air currents picked up and glazed our vision with the sand particles.

The wind fought against us but I refused to have us waver. Determination was my best ally as I focused completely on finding the cave entrance.

We are close. I know we are. I just need to look for a specific indentation. Where was it?

Ventus interjected abruptly and it pulled me out of my small thought bubble.

"The winds are getting really strong Em. Do you know where we are at? Can you even see? How much longer before we rea—AHHHHH!"

I pulled her down the sloped entrance. She fumbled and had lost her footing which caused her to scream. Unfortunately it didn't end there. Ventus had not recovered her balance and when I pulled her she came crashing towards me. Together we both fell to the ground. Or maybe I should say I fell to the ground and she landed atop of me.

Ventus had landed with her legs in either side of me. Her pelvis perfectly in line with mine.

Her long chestnut curls had cascaded down her shoulders and were waving hi right in my face.

From where I was, I only saw beauty incarnate. Oh the thoughts that went through my head upon the realization. Good, bad, a bit perverse, maybe not normal, totally normal...The list went on and I finally began combing through them trying to settle on my next course of action.

Unsurprisingly it landed on-


As she lay there, I could see her face turn bright red in embarrassment as she realized how her body was positioned against mine. I just smirked and continued to torture her. Stoking the fire of her embarrassment.

"So, you come here often?"

She turned away from me trying to keep a serious face.

"You should have warned me we were here at the entrance instead of dragging me down to fall with you."

"I mean I could have but where is the fun in that."

I put my charisma dial on maximum power and gave her the stupidest smile I could muster.

Her seriousness broke and instead she gave me a light punch. Let it be noted she smirked throughout that entire assault.


Ven got up from me and extended her hand towards me, offering me help to get up.

I took it and with one motion I was up on my feet.

With the jokes now set to the side, we took in the sight before us. A mild darkness. Black staring back at us.

Really there was not much to see because of the lack of light. So, Instead of taking in information through our eyes, we used our sense of feeling.

The cave was several tens of degrees cooler than the outside. Thanks to that we could breath easier knowing we weren't going to fry to death.

Ven turned to me and began asking questions.

"So how are we going to see in here? Also where would we even go to take shelter? It doesn't seem like there is much around here right? The cave is not too deep?

Turning to her I answered.

"Well we can always use our rings to make a fire ball and illuminate our surrounding area."

"True, I hadn't thought of that."

"To answer your next question, if I remember correctly, there should be a hidden nook a little ways ahead. We can use that area to camp out and rest."

"Well what about the last question?"

"If you really want to know the truth then...you would be wrong."

"What do you mean?"

"This underground cave system spans the entirety of this floor. It's beyond massive and deep."

"Are you serious or are you playing games again?"

I shook my head.

"No games this time. Honest truth. I've not explored it all but I have explored enough to know that not only is it full of monsters. The beasts living here get stronger the deeper we go."


"If you go deep enough they quickly become stronger than the floor boss of the tenth floor.

"No way! How is that possible?"

"I don't know but that's what I experienced last time I was here."

"So you never made it all the way to the bottom Em?"

"I never did. I wasn't strong enough at the time."

She gave me a teasing look and her tone of voice matched it perfectly.

"You wanna find out what is at the bottom? You know with me in your party now, I could carry you all the way down, especially considering I'm stronger than you."

I grinned knowing full well where this was going.

"Let's take it one step at a time. First let's get to that nook I told you about and recover. Then we can talk about progressing to down to the deepest this cave has to offer."

With that statement her bubble was popped.

"Fineeeeee. You're no fun sometimes."

I reached out to her and pinched her nose."


"Come on, let's go."

I sent a mental command to my "Will Of Flame" ring and instantly it began glowing and producing a soft flame above the palm of my hand. This light was what we used to guide us down the cave.

The humidity along with the cooler temperatures seemed to be more prevalent the deeper we traveled. It was a different type of heat. One marred by cold and moisture. Not harsh but certainly not pleasant either.

The gentle glow of the flame gave off enough light for us to not trip, fall over, and die. The cave was very sneaky after all. Attacking both our physical and mental entities. The winding passages, steep underground slopes, or loose rocks proved to be difficult to navigate. All the while, the dancing shadows of strange rock formations had us on edge, fearful of an ambush.

This was a monster den after all so we had to be prepared for fighting at any second.

Somehow though, the goddesses favor was upon us and we didn't encounter anything more terrifying than a rock whose shadow resembled a goblin.

After hours of exploring we finally came across a familiar to me, flat area with many paths.

"This is it Ven. We finally made it."

"It's just an open area. Where is the nook you talked about?"

"If memory serves, it should be right here."

I moved briskly down one of the several paths to the far far right of the current area. I was elated to be correct again. The path had begun wide but slowly it curls in on itself. Creating a natural nook. It was perfect as it provided protection on our backs. However it also had the disadvantage that if we were overwhelmed, it wouldn't be a favorable fight.

Ventus followed behind and seconds later we both sat on the cold rock ground just taking a moment to breath.

Soon silently and without communicating we both worked to set up a small camp.

I found a sizable stone and moved it to the middle of our space. Using my ring again, I commanded it to slowly burn the stone. Not stopping until it's job was completed. It defied all laws of nature but that's the great thing about magic. If you know enough, anything is possible. Obediently the flame left my ring and enveloped the large stone. It's forked flame tongues whispering to the heavens above while it provided a gentle heat.

Ventus on the other hand, had pulled her Pitcher Of Infinite Water and set it down next to us. Now we didn't have to worry about thirst. Sliding her hands back in her dimensional space she pulled out a variety of meat and began skewering them over the fire to cook them.

SB at the sight of all this, simply disengaged his [Everlasting] skill and assumed blob form next to the fire.

It was a strange sensation but for the first time in what felt like a long time, everything was normal.


Well the normal didn't last long.


And they continued with their incessant roars.

What a way to ruin such a nice moment.

It appears as though the monsters deep below were starting to move. I'm guessing it's almost night time and they plan to surface? Not that it mattered since any monsters that wanted to do so would be considerably weak compared to us.

I dismissed the thought as Ven sat down next to me and offered me a skewer of meat.

We sat in silence for a while. Eating and just enjoying each other's company.

I was really comfortable with this. This intimacy. With Ven next to me. With the possibility of opening my heart again for someone. After everything I had gone through with Fate...I had hardened myself to never become vulnerable again in that manner. I no longer needed anyone...I had resolved myself to solitude and yet with Ventus here.....I don't feel like that anymore. It almost feels wrong to keep feeling lonely.

Maybe. Possibly. Definitely. Will she?

I turned to Ven to begin speaking what had been on my mind but she had already fallen asleep on my shoulder.

It wasn't surprising. She needed to recover.

I readjusted her so that she was laying on my lap. Carefully and with incredible slowness I adjusted myself as well. I had planned for us to rest at the same time.

It was beyond risky for sure but it's far more efficient this way. Once we both wake up, the both of us will once again be in top condition.

I turned to my faithful blob of death and spoke gently.

"SB keep watch for a bit. Kill anything that tries to attack us okay?"



I whispered fiercely to him.

"Ven is asleep! Lower your voice."


I shook my head at him and with that he bounced away and stood guard at the edge of my vision.

As the echos of the monsters below rang out, I began to wonder what was at the bottom of the cavern? I had only made it a two days deep before the monsters had overwhelmed me. Of course I was much weaker then....

Slowly as my mind began to drift off, a final thought floated to me.

When we wake up, Ventus let's race to see who can reach the bottom first.

With that, I drifted off into the sweet oblivion of sleep.