Chapter 3

The boy sits down next to you. You tense up and even blush a little, and you don't know why. "OK class! Todays first day and were already behind! So, take out your notebooks." the teacher says. You let out a little groan. The boy next to you heard you and giggled. You felt kinda embarrassed and started to blush.

As class went on, you got more bored. "Ok now I need everyone to turn to their partner and answer the question on the board!" the teacher says. The boy turns to you and says, "Hi, i'm Kageyama." His voice was quite but rough, he had a smile on his face, and he seemed so familiar. "Hi i'm y/n." you reply back. You put up a smile even though you were really nervous.

"So, your new right?" he asks. You reply with, "Yeah, but I actually used to live here. So we just moved back." "Oh really? How long you've been gone?" he asks. "A few years. We should really get started on this question." you say with a giggle. "Oh right." he replies.

You guys ended up being the first to get it right. At the end of class, there was 10 minutes of free time. As your reading, Kageyama turns to you. "So how do you like being back?" You weren't expecting anymore conversation, but you reply back, "Its nice being back home. But its been a while so its also weird."

He smiles and says, "Have you made any friends yet?" You take a second to think, "I made one friend I guess. She's over there, her names Fumiko." He rolls his eyes, "She's a bitch." Your eyes widen cause he said that pretty loud. "Maybe just a little quieter?" you say. "Not like she's gonna hear me through that thick head of hers." he replies.

You guys sit there in silence for a few minutes. As your packing getting ready to leave, Kageyama asks you, "Can I see your schedule?" "Sure?" you say while handing him the paper. His eyes widen and he says, "Wow we have every class together." "Wow, at least i'll know someone in every class then." you say with a smile. He smiles back "Is that your way of saying i'm your friend?" he teases you. "Fine. I guess so." you reply.

Ya'll walk together to your next class, and the rest of them as well. Throughout the day you made about two other friends. A girl named Yachi and a boy named Yamaguchi. You met Yachi in your science class, and she had lunch with you and Kags. Yamaguchi came up to you in art and was really sweet. In your classes, Kageyama always sat next to you.

Both of you were pretty shy, but he did most of the talking. In gym Kageyama asked you, "So you going for any clubs?" You reply, "I play volleyball, so I signed up for the girls team." "No way. I play volleyball too, but of course I signed for the boys team." he replies. You tease him and say, "I bet your not that good." as your laughing.

Suddenly his expression changes and he seems upset. You felt bad so you started saying, "Sorry, sorry, sorry! I was just teasing you." His face goes back to normal and he says, "Its cool, but I bet i'm better than you." Ya'll laugh and talk the rest of class.

Before you guys start walking home you ask him, "hey, I don't know if its just me but, have we met before? Cause I swear, its like I know you." "Yeah I kinda got that feeling too? But I don't know." he replies. Suddenly it clicks in your head.