Welcome Party

"Daughter of Arizona!!!" Zayan asked...

"Yep!" Zoe said Chuckling...

"Why didn't you told me?"

"Don't say that, whole time I was trying to tell you but you were so busy with her eyes!" Zoe said

"Oh damn it, she knew who I was and she didn't tell me?" Zayan but Zoe ignored him and picked another book Zayan...

"Stop! Checking my books!!!"

"Why? You've some secret formulas of a nuclear bomb?" Zoe said to him

"No, but still you should ask!! It's against manners!!"

"Ohh!! Really it's against manners!"

"It is!!" Zayan said to Zoe but she didn't stop reading as Zayan moved forward she ran into her room and closed the door.

"Oh my god!!! Open the door!!!" Zayan shouted

"Hehe lemme read this book!!"

"Don't please .... !!" Zayan said to Zoe, She opened the door...

"Nope..." Zoe said, Zayan picked the crown on the table of Zoe's...

"Okay... have it cause I'm gonna break your crown into pieces..."

"No!!!!! Don't do that I'm coming..." Zoe freaked out as Zayan said she opened the door furiously "Okay it's a deal you give me my crown I'll give you your book?"

"(Evil laugh) do you think Imma a fool? You will give me my book plus the whole book shelve and also you'll do my next five assignments"

"Noo that's not fair! Give me that crown and take this shitty book!" Zoe said

"Shut up! That's not shitty it's so precious it's the limited edition of The Monaco Heist.."

"Ah whatever it's still shitty... but the crown you have it's soo precious it's my favorite!!! And also if my dad founds that I broke the most precious jewel of his treasure which was made by Helton Goldsmith, I'm dead!"

"Hehe don't worry, I would love to see your funeral, so deal?"

"Ah..... alright but I need the bookshelves (sadistic face)"


"(Sigh) Alright deal," Zoe said, they both exchanged book and crown but then suddenly they heard someone's footstep approaching from outside...

"Oh my god is that paparazzi?"

"Oh no hide," Zoe said and they both hide behind the sofa...

"Oh my god he's coming, I can see him he looks like the man in black"

"What do you mean by that it's just a movie you think they are here to kill aliens?"

"I'm suspicious that yes cause you to seem like one"

"What me? Shut up Zayan I'll kick your ass" Zoe shouted the man walked towards the sofa, they both hold their breath...

"Come on Zayan are we really doing this?" The man in black said... Zayan stand from his place and saw a familiar face

"Are you David?"


"Wait you know this man? Oh god are you guys here to kill me?"

"Shut up! Zoe, he's my best friend, he went to Army training sevens years ago."

"Yes sir and now I am your bodyguard who'll serve you twenty-four-seven now if you excuse me I want to check the parameters," the bodyguard said and walk-off...

"Okay, so this is weird isn't it?"

"Yeah first time I agree with you"

"Shut up look it's nothing and you were saying it's men from men in black, grow up Zayan.."

"What I? I didn't say that you said that and hid behind the sofa!"

"Oh come on you're saying like you didn't !"

"Cause... I was giving you moral support"

"Really!!!" And then they started arguing again

Two hours later...

Zayan and Zoe is going to attend their first class

"What's your deal with Blaine? will you file a case on her of lying?"

"Why would I do that! But I'm sure I won't talk to her.."

"Lol bet you'll do that in just two days I saw your eyes when you met her."

"What you see"

"Ah, I can see a car over there and flowers over there why can't you see?"

"Oh, man are you serious? I am talking about my eyes! What you saw?"

"I saw your eyes full of ....lust!"

"What the f... are you really this time? Like seriously lust!"

"Yeah, I thought you both were doing quickie somewhere cause when you came back to the suite your clothes were dusty..."

"Cause we were hiding in an alley that's why!"

"Oh, alley! It seems romantic..."

"Shut up..."

"Okay, I'll tell you the truth... what I really saw!"

"Nah you'll spit another cheap joke.."

"Oh come on listen I saw both of your eyes full of love like you both fall in love at first sight..!" Zoe said to Zayan, he blushed and looked away

"You're blushing? Hahaha, you're blushing!" Zoe said with a grim

"Stop it! I won't talk to her, I can't even if I want, I won't cause her country is our enemies and our people and politicians carry so much hate among themselves, it's not possible Arizona and Edenbrook fought so many wars against each other and nowadays things are so much heated up" Zayan told Zoe with an awful face

"Hmm... You have a point." Zoe said while looking down at her feet.

"By the way you're so interested in my love life, tell me about yours now?" Zayan asked Zoe

"(laugh) haha there's no love life for me cause I can marry the prince of my family's choice only, so I've to wait till my family found me one.." Zoe replied with a sad smile

"Oh... That's awful..." Zayan replied, after a few seconds of the walk they reached the classroom as Zayan and Zoe entered they sat together in the front row, Zayan took a brief look at the class and saw lots of people in the class, his eyes met with Blaine's who was smiling over to him but Zayan didn't smile back, Zayan saw a beautiful lady entering the class with her friend she looked so beautiful and popular as all student was looking her as she entered the class with her friends, Zayan leaned towards Zoe and whispered in her ears

"Who's she?" Zayan whispered in Zoe's ear

"That girl? It's Meredith Keller, Daughter of George Keller one of the richest men on the planet, She is a popular model too..." Zoe replied to Zayan,

"Hmm she's just the type of girl I wanted, Rich, popular, beautiful, and hot" Zayan mumbled

"You said something?" Zoe asked as she heard Zayan mumbling

"Me? No." Zayan replied, as Zayan was gazing at Meredith his eyes once again met with Blaine, Zayan gazed at her for a while as she was writing something on her notes she was looking so beautiful, her hairs were scattered on her face as her eyes were shining like an ocean blue shine at morning. Zayan shake himself and turned his attention towards Meredith as he was seeing her, Zayan heard students talking Indistinctly

"At today's party, I'm gonna wear shorts and t-shirts" one of the students...

"Same here..." another student replied to the other...

Zayan leaned and whispered in Zoe's Ear "What everyone is talking about?

"It welcome party tonight for all First-year students from the second-year students, you're also invited there," Zoe replied

After a while when class ended Zayan approached Meredith when Meredith looked at Zayan she gazed at his outfit as Zayan was well dressed, Meredith smiled and approached moved her step forward towards Zayan too but suddenly Blaine came in between them and she stopped Zayan and pulled him outside the class by his hand.

"What the... What are you doing?" Zayan said to Blaine with an angry gesture

"Ah I'm sorry I was going to tell you but I thought you would act like I'm your enemy," Blaine said hurriedly as she let out everything and she sighed, for a moment they both stay silent. But then Zayan walked away leaving Blaine standing alone, he went straight to his room, locked his door, and slept as he was tired of the day, before sleeping, Zayan thought about Blaine only, he was thinking about Blaine all the time and smiling...

After several hours of sleep, Zayan is ready to attend the birthday party and now he's waiting for Zoe to come out from her room.

"Zoe come on! we're getting late.." Zayan Said to Zoe loudly, Zoe came out of her room wearing a beautiful long green dress with a jacket on it.

"How am I looking?" Zoe asked Zayan.

"As usual you're looking like shit," Zayan said sarcastically, Zoe stared at Zayan and she made her way out to the party, Zayan followed her with a smile along with his bodyguard David

"How Am I looking David" Zayan asked David

"Good as usual" David said with an expressionless face

"Oh come on now are you going to pretend like this forever?" Zayan asked David but David didn't reply

When Zayan reached the party with Zoe and David, Zoe went to join her other friends leaving Zayan and for David, he left to check security measure, Zayan move straight to the bar,

"Water please.." Zayan said to the bartender, Zayan was staring at Meredith who was talking with some of her friends, Meredith was wearing a white top and blue jeans and a wine glass in her hand, as Zayan was staring at her a voice echoed in his ear.

"Hmm...Meredith not bad." Someone whispered in Zayan's ear, as he looked back to see who it was, he saw Blaine in a bartender uniform, she was serving drinks at a party

"You?.." Zayan said to Blaine.

"Yep me!" Blaine said and moved out from the table and stand next to him "So you're seeing Meredith, she is popular and beautiful won't be bad for you." Blaine added

"Humph* Yeah, plus she is not a liar like YOU!" Zayan said to Blaine, they both came face to face gazing at each other's eyes for moments, and then Blaine step forward to Zayan putting a hand on his shoulder gently.

"I didn't lie to you, just didn't tell you because it wasn't necessary, I knew you would act like that, who take a lot of shit from his mom and hate people for no reason, cause I don't do that Shit," Blaine said lowering her voice, Zayan pulled Blaine closer by her shoulders.

"Why would I hate you huh? Zayan said to Blaine, they were too close as everyone in the party stared at them.

"By the grip of your hand, I can see that you're treating me as an enemy," Blaine replied Zayan, as Zayan realized that how close they are and how everyone is looking at them, Zayan stepped back and pulled himself together, and walked away from her without saying anything, for awhile people kept staring at their Zayan.


After a while


Zayan made his way towards Meredith and her friends, as Meredith saw Zayan coming she excused her friends and smiled towards Zayan.

"Can I have a dance with you?" Zayan said to Meredith

"I would love too" Meredith replied in a foreign accent and gave her hands in Zayan's they both dance to soft music.

"You're a nice dancer, First son of Rutherford.." Meredith said to Zayan with a playful smile,

"Thanks.." Zayan said to Meredith without even looking at her, Zayan's gaze was on Blaine who was dancing with a muscular Guy, Meredith looked back where Zayan was looking.

"Hmm seems like you're physically here but mentally there," Meredith said to Zayan with an annoyed face and walk off leaving Zayan alone on the Dance floor, Zayan stands there for awhile looking down at his feet, and then he moved towards Zoe and his friends.

"Ah Zayan how you doing?" Zoe asked Zayan, But he didn't reply for a while.

"Zoe I'm going out for a walk," Zayan said to Zoe and walked away from the party as Blaine noticed Zayan going out she followed him leaving the muscular guy alone.

"Hey, Blaine where you going?" Muscular Guy said to Blaine but she didn't reply and followed Zayan.

Zayan was sitting on the garden bench where they met for the first time watching stars, she sat right beside Zayan on the bench, Zayan noticed Blaine but didn't say anything he kept looking at stars.

"Hmm. So who you're finding there?" Blaine asked Zayan while looking at the sky.

"My father... I miss him..." Zayan said with a weak voice, "What about you? Who you find?" Zayan added

"(Smile) My mother, I miss her," Blaine said to Zayan after few minutes of silence Blaine added, "you know why I took you to that place today?"

"No I don't know, I tried to figure out but. I couldn't find it.." Zayan replied to Blaine

"Before coming here I read so many articles about you and your kindness, I saw you helping people while in disguise not letting anyone know about the deeds, then in another news, I saw you donating blankets to homeless people... When I checked your interview you were so quiet and innocent, you... You are just like me..." Blaine said with a sad smile

"Hmm just be yourself life is too short for someone else," Zayan said and shifted his gaze from the stars to Blaine's eyes, "I don't why but I think I know you, your eyes these ocean blues, your... Necklace..." Zayan added

Zayan and Blaine stared at each other eyes, Zayan took Blaine's hand and pat it...

"We can be friends, I will never treat you like an enemy, just promise me one thing..." Zayan said to Blaine while looking into her eyes.

"What promise..?" Blaine asked Zayan

"You will never lie to me..." Zayan said to Blaine...
