
After few days...

Zayan and Blaine sitting in the library and studying together...

"Okay, can we have a break? Cause I'm tired Blaine from last two hours we are continuously studying." Zayan said with a heavy sigh.

"Alright if you say so let's take a break, wanna join me for coffee?" Blaine said and started gathering her things on table.

"After you.." Zayan and Blaine made their way towards the cafeteria.

They sat at the table and ordered a caffe latte

"So Rutherford tells me more about yourself" Blaine asked while sipping her coffee.

"Nothing interesting... It's too boring... what about you?" Zayan said Blaine and looked down at his drink.

"Hmm, mine?... it's pretty interesting cause I'm the scandalous person, always there's shit about me in magazines." Blaine said.

"Hmm that's pretty bad, isn't it? By the way... you've any boyfriend or loved anyone before?" Zayan asked Blaine, looking at her intently.

"I recently had broken up with him cause he was cheating on me but it's fine cause I never cared, it's nice. But love, (smile) when I was fourteen years old I saw a boy in a white suit crying on the stairs, I sat beside him and asked him 'Hey! Why are you crying' he looked at me and hugged me, we hugged each other for while but then he left me there alone... I don't know why he was crying or what was his name but from that day till today every night I think about him, who was he, why was he crying." Blaine said to Zayan, but Zayan looked surprised.

" loved him?" Zayan asked nervously.

"I care about him without any reason so I think I do love him," Blaine said. Zayan cleared his throat and sipped his coffee nervously. "You are jealous?" Blaine added

"No!... I am not jealous... Why would I be jealous.?" Zayan said to Blaine...

They both finished their drinks and went back for their studies...

POV- Blaine

I don't know about Zayan but to be honest, I kinda start loving this guy he's too different I feel safe near him too, humph but sad we have a stupid rivalry

Whatever as I was moving towards my closet to grab the night suit I received a call from my father ofc

"Hello, dad," I said with a groan.

"Hey, Blaine, I've seen some of your photos with the first son of Rutherford, what's going on?" he said

I rolled my eyes as to why the fuck he even care

"Nothing why? Do you have any problem?" I said while yawning

"Hmm (smirks) election of Edenbrook is so close and if you managed to slip that filthy son of a bitch to your bed, one night will ruin his and her mother reputation in the politics" as my father said that I was blanked out...

Like really is he mad or what? Who tells his daughter to sleep with someone else just does their affairs?

"What!! Are you serious, you want me to laid with a man? Just for your benefit? Are you in your senses?" I yelled at him, a fire starts burning inside me.

It's not the first time he pulled this shit.

"Listen.." my father was saying but I cut him and yelled

"Don't you ever think I would do that shit for your politics!!" I cut the phone and throw it on the floor and went to bed...


"Zayan it's 08:00 AM get up we are getting late!" I yelled at Zayan who is still sleeping like a bear

"Lemme sleep please just a minute..." Zayan said yawning

He is dumbass like a lazy freaking bum

"Get up or else you will miss Prof. Rogers's class!!!" I yelled once again kicking his butt

"Oh-kay!!!" he replied and stand up stretching his body "Oh Fuck! It's 8 am and you didn't wake me?" he added

Look how stupid he is I am trying to wake him for the last half hour and still... I swear

"Come on I am trying to wake you up for the last two hours!!" I said to him

Okay okay I know I lied but it's okay... Don't people usually do lie?

Hmm, I slip out of his room so he can get ready...




I'm getting late!! And look this Zoe didn't even try to wake me up...

I know she is lying, who the hell won't wake when someone is trying to wake him up from the last two hours.

She is a bitch...

Whatever I pulled out a black shirt and black pants and wore them...

Zoe was already waiting for me outside we both walked towards our class...

"Zayan you're an ass! just cause of you we are now late!!" Zoe said with a humph

Like if she was getting late, she should just who told her to wait for me?!

"Who asked you to wait for me, next time just go, so you won't be able to throw tantrum at me, PRINCESS!" I said and rolled my eyes...

As we reached the class and settled down to our seat I took a glance over the class and saw Blaine standing for a seat.

I waved her, she replied with a wave and smile, I motion her to sit right beside me, she nodded and came towards me and sat beside me.

"Hey!" I greeted her

"Hey" she greeted back with a smile

She is behaving awkwardly who's know what happened to her now?

She is unpredictable.

A Prof with a Good looking, round-shaped face, Brown hair, and green eyes woman in a purple suit came along with an old man in a black suit with piles of books in his hand.

"Hello everyone I'm Professor Stanley Roger. And she is my assistant Ayna bale." the old man said loudly

Okay so the assistant is really hot and stunning.

"We are having a presentation on every month in which we will determine your skills in diplomacy. I hope you will make your relation with your partner too which which will help you a lot in future..." professor said

Dude look really serious.

"The name of your partners who will help you in your project is on the information board outside!, exactly you're going to work in a group of six people with three pairs..." professor added

Hmm I hope I would get paired with Zoe or Meredith or at least in their group..

I and Blaine made way toward the board and search for our group and at last we found it..


"Group 8

-Blaine Hayes Arizona

-Meredith Henry Keller

-Peter Mike Kilton

-Zayan Evans Rutherford

-Zoeila Burg Kingston

-Jaquiline Hilton


Zayan - Blaine

Peter - Jaquilene

Meredith - Zoe

---------Best of luck-------

(what happen next stay tune to find out