Bad Group!

After two days


"You can't say that, the war was unnecessary," I said to Blaine while arguing with her about the internal affairs, she thinks that her country is full of angels?

Really? I don't think so

"We are arguing from last one hour on this subject just change it cause it's true that war was necessary because the government of the merinaland was overstepping!" she yelled

Everyone shifted their gaze towards us as

"Silence!!!!" the librarian Shouted!

I leaned towards Blaine and lowered my voice

"Look Smartypants! I am done with you, you're trying to prove that your country is full of angels"

Blaine rolled her eyes and she storm out from the library,

Really!!! Is this how you respond to a decent Argument!!

Okay I know it's not quite a decent argument.

I knew it was not going to work, the team thing we will never be able to agree on a point cause our point of views are Different!!




"Meredith!! We've to start researching the importance of human rights! And you? You're taking selfies!!" I yelled at Meredith who is taking selfies and doing stupid live chats...

Okay now she just ignored me really?? Ignoring Zoeila Kingston? Princess Zoeila Kingston!!

"Meredith!!! We are having our first ever presentation!!!!" I yelled at her by blocking her way.

"Oh Moe stops doing this go and find someone else to help you in your stupid presentation!" she said, rolled her eyes again and walked away.

"It's Zoe! Not Moe!" I yelled at her from behind....

I can't work with this girl like look at her attitude such an ass!


POV- Peter


"Ah... I'm sorry miss but you're not concentrating on this, it's so simple we've to just focus on the benefit of our people." I tried to convince Jacqueline but she is not understanding

"Ah shut up douche it's rubbish we have to just see what's right for us" Jacqueline replied to me rolling her eyes.

Like how can she say that?

She is so mean

"How can you say that. We serve our nation and our people." I replied to her.

"Shut up! You know what I'm going for horse riding you study alone." she said and walked away

Our presentation progress is almost zero and she is doing like this I don't think we are a good team!

Oh, it's a message from Zayan.

"10 am tomorrow meeting at Joe's Coffee shop for our first Presentation this week"-Zayan's message