A Forgotten Feeling

I stand in the middle of the room suddenly coming to my senses. If I don't want to embarrass myself in front of everyone I need to at least start paying attention to what the Dance Instructor is saying. She claps her hands and asks the girls to stand in one line and the boys in another and begins numbering us off. Once she's finished she asks to find the other person with the same number as us. I look around and feel another tap on my shoulder. It's a boy with a nice build and a little shorter then me. He introduces himself as Dino and I smile hoping that the message of "nice to meet you" is being expressed. He moves to stand beside me as everyone begins taking standing next to their partners, some happily and some awkwardly. I think we fit right into the middle of that.

The music begins playing and we decide on learning our solo parts first. The dance is a made up of strong choreo with elements of locking and hip hop combined. It has both a refreshing and sophisticated vibe to it and at this point I glance towards the door ready to take my chance at escaping.

Suddenly the music begins to flow and the instructor begins to teach us the steps. I move forwards along with everyone else timidly but find my own self being blocked by an invisible wall. The pain begins showing up in my foot and moving up my leg. I know it isn't really there. I know it's nonexistent but I don't know how to get rid of it. I feel my stomach lurch forwards as I spin and I quickly pull myself out of the crown hoping Dino hasn't noticed.

The practice continues for the next few hours and I find myself gleaning with sweat realizing how out of practice I am. I look around and although some people look tired, most of them are fit enough to continue dancing for a few hours more. My eyes land on Minho and I find myself being mesmerized by his dancing. He seems possessed my the music as he slides across the glossy floor. I look up in the mirror and find myself meeting eyes with him on accident. Quickly darting my eyes I move deeper into the crowd and continue practicing trying my best to move.

"Okay everyone get together again!" The instructor suddenly interruptus everyone "Practice is over for today. I need you to come in again tomorrow so we can practice the duet parts as well. Thank you for your hard work!"

We all thank her back and begin gathering our belongings. Dino's eyes meet mine and I feel nervous that he's noticed my jumpy behavior

"Oh before I forget!" she says suddenly raising her voice to match the noise in the room "How many of you guys are busy and can't come to practice tomorrow?"

I raise my hand suddenly remembering I have a recording session tomorrow. I look around at the people next to me and see no one. I'm about to go and apologize to her for being an inconvenience when she suddenly motions for someone else to come forward.

"You can both stay and schedule another day to practice"

I turn around slightly and see Minho standing there still glowing after all this dancing. It hasn't seemed to faze him at all. I long to go back to the days where I could pour my passion onto the stage that way.