Angels and Demons

Book 1: The Human Becomes a Demon


"Yo, what's up, whoever you are." A young handsome man waved his hands around.

He was currently facing a random direction.

Looking around, no living being was in sight. The land was barren. Even a single blow of air wasn't existent.

The young man spread his arms.

"So you might be watching a movie. Or maybe reading a book. Anyways, what I'm doing right now is the so-called legendary 4th wall breaking." This young man laughed.

He swept his eyes in the surrounding and sighed in relief. "Talking to myself like this... If someone could see me, they will probably laugh their asses off."

"Moving on, you might be wondering why I'm talking to myself." A mysterious air surround him as he charmingly smiled at a random angle. Hoping he was breaking the 4th wall properly.

The young man raised his two fingers in front of him. "There are two reasons!"

"First reason is that I'm currently stuck at this random dimension without no one to talk to. So being the intelligent individual I am, I tried talking to you, whatever and whoever you are, to cope with my loneliness. Even if there is a slight possibility that I'm really just talking to myself." This young man lazily yawn while waving his hands.

"And the last reason is..."

Suddenly a transformation took place on the young man.

Wings started coming out from his back. His originally long black hair turned white. His pitch black eyes changed color. The left eye turned blazing red while his right eye turned shining gold.

"To tell you a tale about how I become the strongest being alive!" He arrogantly declared!

'Since I'll be stuck here for a while. Why not reminisce about the past? That way I'll feel nostalgic and therefor the time will flow faster!' This man laughed inside joyfully. Rejoicing and applauding his incredible plan.

However, his facial expression suddenly contorted.

'Sh*t. The strongest being alive? Who is currently stuck in a random dimension? Hehe...'

Little did he know, even his own thoughts were like an open page to us.

"So...Where will I begin...? Ah ha! It it all started when I was seventeen..."

[Author's Note: Some of you might think that some characters are aware they are some sort of protagonist in a book or movie. But sorry guys, this sort of mindset will only appear in the later part of the story (Estimated chapter is around chapter 500 :p). So this will be the only 4th wall breaking scene for a while. And this scene will not be the ending of the story.]


"When will this stupid class be over?" Liam sighed. Its his last class for today and he wasn't in the mood to listen.

The professor noticed him looking at the sky and irritatedly yelled at him. "Mr. Abad, are you listening?"

Liam ignored him. He looked at his watch and realized that this class was officially over. He grabbed his bag and stood up. He slowly walked towards the door and left the class.

The professor angrily gripped his pen and walked back to his desk. "Class dismiss." He gritted while gathering his belongings.

"Goodbye and thank you, Sir. Vasquez!" The rest of the class bid their farewell albeit low-spiritedly.

A short and cute girl hurriedly ran out of the room. She looked around and was obviously looking for someone. The hallway was currently packed to the brim. But she quickly smiled when he saw a familiar messy-haired youth. She sprinted past other students and quickly reach her target.

Just as she was about to reach out to him, the boy turned over.

"What's with the rush, Nath?" the boy smirked.

"Idiot, I'm obviously looking for you. You disrespectfully left the room. Mr. Vasquez might reduce your grades if you continued being rude at him." Nath explained.

Liam laughed. After a while, he stopped and looked at the girl "Nath..."

"Yes?" Nath tilted her head.

"Reduce my grades? Who cares. Let him do what he want." He waved his hands without much concern.

"Fine, fine. Let's just walk together home." Nathalie gave up.

"Pass. I have to get something important. You go ahead."

"Damn. You owe me one." Nathalie raised her arms and waved goodbye.

"Adios, amigo!" Liam smiled.

"Idiot. It's amiga." Nathalie turned around for a second and smirk.

Liam laughed then continued walking to the exit gate. The school was big but its interior and exterior were the same as other ordinary schools out there.

Liam was currently in senior high. Once a hot-blooded youth who loves to seek thrill until he got bored. What he only wanted was a change of environment. An environment where he will never ever get bored.

You can say his greatest fear was being bored to death.

When he was outside the campus, he looked at his watch and sighed. "F*ck me, it's almost 6 pm."

"And I have to do the shopping today. I hope the supermarket is not yet closed."

He hailed a vehicle and told the driver where he wanted to go.

"Sir, place take me to the nearest supermarket"

The driver nodded and smiled. This man seemed polite, unlike other passengers who acted sassily. To drivers like them, it was quite refreshing to attend to customers who were not arrogant.

Liam might look like an asshole but he only disrespected those who don't deserve his respect. That's why although he swears and curses a lot, he still looked respectful to others. Especially to people who he doesn't know. After all, first impression lasts.

After 10 minutes pass, the vehicle stopped.

"We're here kiddo." The driver smiled.

"Thanks a lot, sir." He smiled back and gave an appropriate amount to the driver.

When the vehicle left, he entered the supermarket peacefully. Luckily it's almost closing time so the people were not that crowded.


After half an hour, Liam emerged with a lot of bags full of all sorts of things. Vegetables, fruits, and many more.

"Ah shit, too heavy. Too heavy!" He grumbled.

He looked around and signaled another tricycle for aid.

"Oh kiddo, what a coincidence. It's you again." the old driver laughed.

Liam wasn't that surprised. Something seems off but the bags were so heavy that he dismissed the thought.

"Lucky. Thanks. Please take me to Molave Street."

"Hop on. Need help?" The old driver prepared to help him when Liam raised his arms.

"No need sir. I can handle this."

"Your choice kiddo."

He dropped the bags and entered the tricycle.

For some reason, the road to home mystically took longer. Liam was about to doze off when his ride stopped.

"We're here kid." The old driver creepily smiled.

Nial didn't notice the old man's smile but he lazily left the tricycle when he noticed something off.

"Uhm, sir. We're not there yet. It's still a couple of blocks ahead." Liam complained.

But no one replied.

'Is this old man deaf?' He turned around and blinked.

"What the f*ck?" The tricycle was nowhere at sight.

"That old man left without even dropping me at the right place. Well, at least he forgot the pay hehe." Liam snickered.

He decided to walk home. It's not that far actually. Just a two-minute walk and he'll be there.


Liam noticed something strange. The neighborhood was strangely quiet.

Too quiet...

The bewildered kid looked around. Even a single hint of life vanished.

"Eh? What's wrong today? Did they sleep early? For what reason though?" He started talking aloud to himself.

"Nevermind, I just want to sleep as soon as possi-"

But before he could finish what he was about to say, an enormous bird-like figure suddenly flew above him.


"Eh?" He looked back and another huge bird flew right above him.


"Eh?!" He exclaimed again excitedly.

Then what he saw next almost made his eyes popped.

An angelic handsome blonde male with shining blue eyes appeared in the sky. An eye-catching halo was floating above his head. While four pairs of white wings were flapping heavily in the air. He was also carrying two well engraved long swords in both of his hands.

"Youngest son of Morningstar. Today shall be your end!"

Its voice was so soothing to the ears while executing authority beyond imagination.


An abnormally demonic man was standing on both of his feet. His blazing red eyes and his goat horns in his head were so striking. His four pairs of ink-black wings were folded in a cool fashion. He lazily wielded a dragon spear on both his hands while his long black hair fluttered in the air.

"Sisyphus, you poor blighter. Blabbering nonsense on the day of your death."

"Spiteful creature!" Sisyphus snarled. He rushed at blinding speed at his foe and brandished his twin sword.

A golden ray of lights headed to the demonic being's body.

But the devil simply smirked nonchalantly and slashed his dragon spear.

An image of a skeletal dragon appeared and swallowed the golden rays of light. But it simply didn't stop there and continued rushing towards the angel.

Sisyphus rushed head-on. No signs of fear were etched on his face, only pure confidence.

He easily destroyed the skeletal dragon image and looked down below. His aura was so holy that even Liam had the urge to prostrate in awe.

They continued their exchange for a while until both their clothes were tattered.

"Arghh!" Sisyphus suddenly shouted.

Veins started appearing in his body and his swords started combining. It surprisingly became one and a blinding light shined in the entire street.

"I'm f*cked up!" Liam saw this and started running for his life. He was observing from a far place earlier. But now sensing this immense show of power, Liam heard countless signals in his brain telling him to flee for his pitiful life.

"Is it a Villain? But it's my first time seeing an Angel Hero. Damn, I better get far away as possible. For god's sake, I don't wanna die yet!" Liam thought.

"Oh?" Azrael laughed loudly.

"You're really bent on killing me huh, Sisyphus? Nevertheless, you won't and will never defeat me!" The demon oozed killing intent and enormous pride!

He gripped his spear with both of his hands and took a step back. He bent his knees and prepared to thrust his mystical spear. It was an awkward position but this was the ideal spot for great firepower.

Sisyphus did the same. They both charged up every last bit of their power for this clash.

Liam saw all of this and gulped. Judging from the lights and the power that was emitting from both of them, those two will destroy the whole city in the process. Even he can't get away from this situation.

"I'm still young to die." Liam sobbed exaggeratedly. After a while, he stood up and laughed crazily.

"Since I'm gonna die anyway, it'll be better to spectate this amazing battle with my own eyes." He smiled and opened his eyes wide, afraid he'll miss a single scene.

"Holy Symphony!" Sisyphus shouted while swinging his combined swords downwards.

A huge vortex of both blue and gold appeared. It shallowed everything on its way. Looking at it Liam thought of only one thing.

"Cool!" He raised his fist. He was rooting for the Angel to win. Even a child will know who was wrong and who was right. It might sound stereotypical but that was just how the human mind worked.

"Death's Parade!" The demon thrust his spear and a whole image of a skeletal dragon appeared.

Unlike earlier, this dragon released a death aura everywhere. The pathways were melted and all plants and living things in its surrounding immediately vanished.

The dragon and the vortex clashed. All the houses shattered and a huge crater appeared below it. But that's not all.

The sky literally started cracking. The night became darker. Everything was silent. The only thing that Liam can hear were the noises coming from both adversaries' attacks.

Finally, it stopped.

Liam slowly opened his eyes. Miraculously, when he opened his eyes, an invisible barrier protected him from the aftershocks and debris. It was not visible but seeing the debris bounce away from a certain distance from him, he deciphered that it was a barrier.

"F*ck yeah! I'm alive!" He joyously laughed.

But he immediately stopped, he looked around and didn't saw the two combatants.

He started walking towards where he last saw the two but couldn't find them. But just as he was about to leave the area, he heard two thumping sounds.


Two mutilated bodies dropped from the sky. Both their wings were shattered. The demon's horn was also broken. Even the angel's halo was starting to lose luster.

They both looked up and saw Liam.

"A human?" The two exclaimed at the same time.

But they shook their heads. That was impossible. No human can enter the realm of angels and demons.

But the demon smiled. He couldn't let go of this opportunity. His gut was telling him that this human can certainly see them. He whispered some runic words and after that looked at Liam.

"Child, kill this man and I shall give you everything you desire. Money, love, women, and authority!" The demon proposed.

Sisyphus laughed. "Have you gone senile Azrael? No human can see us."

But his smiled immediately vanished when he heard what Liam said.

"Everything? Like everything?" Liam confirmed.

Sisyphus almost spat blood. But he immediately snapped out of it and begged Liam.

"Child, he's a demon! A demon I say! Help him and Earth whom we've been protecting for a long time will be destroyed!"

"Fair enough. You're obviously the good guy here. You're an Angel!" Liam showed a sincere smile.

Liam looked around and saw a broken blade. He picked it up and went to where the two were.

He smiled and pointed the blade in the Azrael's body. "I haven't killed someone so I might not kill you on the spot. Sorry for this. Wish me luck!"

He didn't hesitate and stabbed the demon's back with full force. Still, it wasn't dead yet.

"Wait no! Wait you've been tri-"

But Liam already stabbed it again and the demon finally stopped breathing.

He looked at Sisyphus and smiled while cover in blood. "All done Sir Angel!"

But Sisyphus smiled creepily and spoke in a different voice. "Oh, poor Sisyphus. An archangel who died at the hands of a mere human. What a laughing stock you'll be in the whole history HAHAHA."

"Pardon?" Liam thought he misheard the angel.

But he soon understands what he meant when Sisyphus' face suddenly morphed into another one. And grimly, it was Azrael's

Three words popped up in Liam's head

"I f*cked up"