Forging the Fragment

Azrael stared at Liam's wings.

"Interesting." He gaped.

Liam's wing was of high quality. Even slightly higher than his own. But Azrael will still be faster in terms of speed. He has four pairs of wings after all.

Now thinking about Liam's Exosia, he wanted to experiment a little bit to satisfy his curiosity.

"Can a human also absorbed a Demon's Exosia?" He thought out loud.

"Who knows? You said earlier that eleven angels and demons took your fragments, right? What do you think? Shall we hunt them down?" Liam grinned. Adventure and action were exciting. Since he obtained an obedient slave demon, his life became more exciting and less boring.

Now that every wish of him can be fulfilled with a snap of a finger, he wanted to do many things before death comes.

He has this deep concern about dying early. It sounds weird. As if his soul know that death was just in the corner. Waiting for an opportunity to end his life.

Liam shook his head and stared at Azrael's eyes. He's been interacting with this demon for a while now. And although Azrael was probably thousands of years old, his personality was somewhat like that of a teenager.

And Liam was spot on!

"You're right, child. I'm also quite curious about this weird situation you're in." He truthfully said.

'So when you die, I can use your soul to make me more powerful than before!' He silently added in his mind.

"But first, you need to learn how to fly." Azrael reminded him.

"Easy as pie!" Liam flapped his wings and slowly float in the air.

For some reason, he didn't have a hard time flying. It seemed he have a great affinity with his wings.

He flapped harder and was now 25 meters above the ground. He circled, zigzagged, and flew in every direction like a baby bird that just learned how to fly.

"Holy sh*t! This is amazing! Even Icarus and his father will be embarrassed seeing me!" He proudly shouted

Azrael's mouth dropped. It took him years to master how to fly. He has hundreds of mentors teaching him the basics of flying. But this man in front of him was super amazing than he thought. He mastered the art of flight in just a few seconds!

"Look at my puny slave watching me fly with his mouth wide open. What? Jealous? You're not the only flying being in this house now!"

A vein in Azrael's head popped. He bent his legs and prepared his wings. He then suddenly flew. He broke the sound barrier and immediately reach five hundred meters above the ground.

"See. An old man with a mind of a 9-year-old." Liam laughed while looking up in the sky. He could no longer see Azrael's silhouette.

He prepared his wing and similarly broke the sound barrier, hurting his body in the process.

A human flesh can't handle the monstrous speed Liam was in.

He started bleeding everywhere. But he didn't feel the pain. The adrenaline was still pumping hard all over his body. He only smiled while his entire body was literally, slowly being destroyed.

Azrael's eyesight was more than ordinary. He could see clearly how Liam's skin was peeling off. He waved his hand and a blinding green and yellow light enveloped Liam.

"Lesser Healing!"

"Protection Barrier!"

Liam felt a soothing feeling in his body and saw his body rapidly healing.

That's when he realized what happened to his own body.

"Eh? I almost die!" Liam's face was still smiling but deep inside he was frightened. Although in a short amount of time. He then continued flying and enjoyed the feeling of the wind.

Thankfully, Azrael's barrier didn't cut off the outside and he could still feel the intense wind brushing off his body.

He then prepared himself since he was about to break through a cloud.


"Hell yeah!" He punched the air while slowly flapping his wings to show off in front of Azrael.

"Yup, he's a total faggot." Azrael shook his head.

After a while of showing off, Liam went to Azrael's side. They stand shoulder to shoulder while watching the sun sets.

"How lucky the birds are to see this view!" Liam gaped in amazement.

The sea of clouds in front of him and the setting sun overwhelmed Liam entirely.

"There's a lot of amazing things this world hides. I shall see and witness all of them with my own two eyes!" Liam swore in his heart.

Azrael listened and couldn't help but smile weakly. He could see the past him in Liam. Just like the kid, he also thought that experiencing everything this world has to offer was fun and all until he realized he was wrong.

Seeing his loved ones, friends, and family members die in front of him was too aggravating. He has slain too much that he lost count of it. The burden Azrael carried was beyond imagination. And being this child's slave also added more fuel to the fire.

Sisyphus's weapon secretly carries a power that the Demon clan could use against the Angels. Too bad some commoners pick up the fragments. Now another burden was added to his shoulders.

Thinking about all these things made Azrael frown.

Liam noticed the change of mood in the Demon's eye so he opened his mouth and spoke.

"Shall we go home?" He proposed.

"Home?" Azrael looked dumbfounded.

"Yes, home. My mom should arrive by now. Let's go!" Liam's voice drifted away as he slowly flew towards the ground.

The sun finally sets.

The demon finally snapped out of it and followed Liam.

He maintained the same speed as the child and they both arrived at the house at the same time.

"Can you clean the backyard?" Liam begged.

The backyard was now fully destroyed. A bunch of dirt, crater, and grass litter the ground. It looked like a war just happened in this exact spot.

"As you wish." Azrael replied with a poker face.

He snapped his finger and the backyard magically return back to normal.

"Flying is tiresome. My back ache from flying so fast." Liam deactivated his Exosia and a burst of scarlet light enveloped him. He reappeared once more but now his wings were nowhere to be seen.

They entered the house and coincidentally, Veronica entered the front door.


"Welcome home, mom!" Liam grabbed his mother's hand and gently pressed it on his forehead.

"What's for dinner?" His mother sleepily asked him. She took off her shoes and put them in the corner.

'Oh fuck. I forgot to make dinner.' Liam panicked.

"Sorry, mom. I forgot to prepare dinner." He has no choice but, to tell the truth.

Now that Veronica could see Liam entirely, she was shocked and hurriedly grabbed Liam's shoulders.

"What happened, son? Your shirt is all torn off! Did you got beaten up?!" His mom's panicked gestures and words made Liam's heart go soft.

"Nothing happened mom. I just practiced arnis in the backyard. Maybe I got too absorbed training." Liam laughed it off and comforted his mom.

"I'll prepare dinner fast. You change upstairs first." He instructed his mom and hurriedly went to the kitchen.

Veronica look at her son and murmured.

"I'm so blessed having a child like you"

Azrael saw the exchange between the two and couldn't help but smile.


While cooking, Liam suddenly remembered something.

"Hey, Azrael. Could you make me a weapon?" He asked the demon beside him. He was dead serious about hunting demons to absorb their Exosia.

"No problem, child." Azrael snapped his finger and a black sword appeared in thin air.

"Nah, I don't like the design. Do you have something else?" He shoved the sword away.

"How about this?" A violet dagger appeared and replaced the sword.

"Denied. I don't like its color." He only looked at it for a while and immediately hated it.

"Picky brat." Azrael spat.

This went on for another ten minutes until Azrael showed all of his wide array of weapons. However, Liam didn't like a single one.

"All of those weapons are more powerful than any weapon on Earth. Just pick one already!" Azrael complained.

"Your stash is full of garbages. Not a single weapon caught my attention. Could you just custom design a powerful weapon for me?" Liam looked down at Azrael disgustingly.

Azrael grit his teeth and replied. "I don't know how to forge. And even if I do, I still don't have the necessary items and ingredients to forge a weapon to your liking."

"You could use the fragment of Sisyphus's weapon," Liam suggested while preparing the dinner table.

"That fragment is too small. You can only make a knife from it. Plus, I won't let you use it." Azrael rolled his eyes.

Liam stared at Azrael and snickered. "You never learn, idiot. I order you to go find a forger and forge a cool dagger using a fragment of Sisyphus' sword. Now!"

"You mother f*cker!" Azrael shouted on top of his lung.

"Go, go. Return tomorrow, ok? I'm hungry. Get away from my face." Liam shooed him away.

Azrael was fuming in anger. He opened up a portal and left in anger.