Holy Knight

"You must be the current inheritor. Come, show me your power!" Azrael laughed wildly.

The demon gripped his long sword and beckoned the man to attack.

"An Archdemon. State your name." The man shouted in authority.

"Who are you to order me?" Azrael roared and summoned a hellfire ball towards the man.

"Very well. Nathalie, there's a helicopter waiting for you outside. Go now. I'll deal with this disgusting demon." He seriously gripped his broad sword and slash the fireball in two.

"Exosia: Armor!"

Grey fog enveloped the man. Meanwhile, Azrael was looking at him as if he was food to be devoured. He was hungry for battle.

After a while, the man emerged from the fog. He was covered in shining grey armor. The armor's style was that of the medieval period.

"The Zo's Exosia has evolved quite well. Come!" Azrael grinned.

"It's Holy Knight! To think Mr. Zo was a Hero! Nath's father is fricking Hero!" Liam excitedly jumped in surprise.

Nathalie glared at Liam. 'This demon acting ability is superb. To think he can copy Liam to this extent.'

Holy Knight was famous in this area. He was a Hero with amazing fighting skills and durability. Many people theorized and calculate that his armor was his greatest power. It was lightweight judging from the fact that he was still fast and nimble while wearing that bulky-looking armor. His armor was also durable to the extent that even bullets can't penetrate it. Explosions also deal little damage to him. Thanks to his contributions, many lives were saved.

Azrael was a proud individual. After all, he was the son of the Sin of Pride, Lucifer Morningstar. He just simply stood on his two feet and waited for Holy Knight to deal the first attack.

But what he didn't expect was that Holy Knight threw his broad sword.

"Take this"

"Too weak." Azrael simply guarded against the attack and change the sword trajectory. It was thrown in the air above him.

Holy Knight suddenly dashed towards the demon. He was preparing to punch him.

"Without your weapon, you are nothing!" Azrael mocked the human in front of him.

Azrael lazily slashed his weapon in a horizontal swipe. This human doesn't deserve his full strength. Not even fifty percent of his power. Although he can't even unleash two percent of his real power due to countless injuries.

Holy Knight stopped and jumped, dodging the horizontal sweep in the process. He grabbed and caught his falling weapon above Azrael. He circled like a cyclone in mid-air, preparing to cut Azrael in one fell swoop.

"Falling Avalanche!"

The momentum generated from spinning produced extraordinary firepower. This attack was equivalent to the power of a tank artillery.

Azrael flicked his hand. The long sword he was holding vanished. It was replaced by a circular shield.

"Protection Barrier!"

This time, he didn't apply the spell to his body. He applied it directly to the shield.

Shockwaves were produced from the impact.

Azrael's shield cracked. He quickly fled and flew away from Holy Knight's sword trajectory. There was a large crater in the place he was standing earlier.

Holy Knight was also not faring well. The spinning attack made him dizzy in the process. Normally he didn't need to use this ability. That was because he was only dealing with humans with some meager abilities gained from some unknown source.

But this Demon in front of him was of more advanced danger lever. He can cause disaster in the whole country if he wasn't controlled.

He knew that he doesn't stand a chance against this demon. Reinforcements were on the way, so he just needed to stall for some time.

Dealing with demons was complicated. That was because they exist in spiritual form. They can't be seen by ordinary humans. He could only sense Azrael thanks to his bloodline ability, 'Apex Olfactory'.

They were one of the ancient families chosen by Heaven to aid them in the Holy War. Because of their supernatural ability of amazing smell, they could pinpoint the Demon's location using their sense of smell.

Those chosen five families don't have any strong combat abilities. Instead, Heaven chose them base on their ability to detect Demons.

Then the Heavenly God gave those chosen families one unique Exosia to aid them in battle.

The Zo Family inherited the 'Armor'. It granted them super durability against Demons. It also has the ability to absorb the impact of any damage to make itself stronger. Simply put, as long as the 'Exosia: Armor' received countless beating and damage, it will become more durable and stronger.

To transfer the Exosia to another inheritor, death was the key. Once the Exosia was removed from the current inheritor, their body will wilt and be wiped out in existence. In short, their soul will be vanquished. This was the price of wielding an Exosia as a human.

"Armor Inheritor, forgive me. But today I shall claim your life." Azrael smiled wickedly. Demons will be at a disadvantage once the five chosen families grew stronger. All their Exosias' will grow stronger as time goes by.

"Kill me if you can!" Holy Knight rushed at blinding speed contrary to his bulky armor.

Azrael flapped his wings and similarly rushed towards Holy Knight.

His shield earlier vanished and was replaced by claws.

Holy Knight raised his broadsword high up in the air and smashed it at the incoming demon.

Azrael raised his two claws and successfully blocked the attack.

"Burning Claws"

Suddenly, Azrael's claw blaze. It was coated in hellfire and started melting Holy Knight's sword.

But the melting sword absorbed the fire and slowly healed on its own.

"This!?" Azrael was astonished.

"To think 'Armor' had evolved to this level!?" He became warier and started getting serious.

'Close call. If I used an ordinary sword, then I'll be weaponless in seconds.' Hendrick's face underneath the armor was sweating.

That's right. The 'Armor' has evolved and gained its own sword. The broad sword Hendrick used was part of 'Armor'.

'This is bad. As I drag this battle longer, his blade and armor will get more resistant to my attacks.' Azrael's devious smile was replaced by a serious look


In the backyard of the mansion, a girl was being escorted to enter the aircraft prepared for her.

Nathalie successfully escaped and boarded the helicopter.

She looked at the battlefield and held her hands together.

"Be careful dad." She prayed.

Then she opened her eyes and saw Liam jumping in joy at the corner.

"Vile demon. Still acting like him. Just wait a little longer, I'll take you back Liam..." She swore in her heart.

She entered the helicopter and went to a safe place.

While the military was now on the move. Heading to the battlefield to deal with the threat. Tanks, battle airships, and soldiers were all going to where Azrael was.


'This is bad. An ordinary human couldn't deal any damage to me. But Liam will be in danger. He isn't a demon, he's a human.'

Ever since Azrael pieced out the information he currently knew about this child, he became a more important chess piece to him. But it was just a hunch. Nevertheless, he couldn't risk to immediately kill Liam. He might be useful in the long term.

Azrael rushed towards Holy Knight and prepared to launch a lethal injury. This way he could stop the evolution of his Exosia even if it's just a month or so. Or best, end his life

He conjured a hellfire sword on his head.

"Hellfire Sword!"

He used his mind to control the blade. It went towards the Holy Knight at an intense speed.

Holy Knight dodged the sword. But when he fixated his eyes in front of him, he saw a black portal.

Azrael entered the portal and vanished.

Holy Knight looked warily at his surroundings. Suddenly a similar portal appeared on Holy Knight's back.

The Hero reacted insanely fast.

'I got you demon!' He thought to himself and slashed with all his strength behind him.

"You underestimated me too much demon!"

"No. You're the one who underestimated me..."

Azrael's voice echoed.

Holy Knight who was expecting Azrael to appear behind him, deflected a flaming sword.

'No!' Hendrick's face beneath the head armor became ashen.

Another portal appeared above Holy Knight. In which a demon with long claws appeared.


Hendrick can't react at point-blank range, he closed his eye and already accepted his death.

But then a sudden shout saved his petty life.

"Azrael, I order you to stop! That's Natalie's father!"

Liam suddenly shouted with all his might. He flew towards Hendrick with blinding speed.

Azrael's claws that were just about to kill Hendrick, stopped. He retreated and look at Liam with complicated emotion in his eyes

But Hendrick was still wary of him. Nathalie said earlier that he was possessed.

Liam also noticed this so he landed near Azrael instead.

"Mr. Zo, I'm no demon. I'm just an ordinary human just like Nath." He spoke solemnly. He then ordered Azrael to teleport them far away.

"As you wish..." Azrael opened up a portal and entered it.

Liam looked at Hendrick one last time and spoke.

"Please, believe me." He then entered the portal and vanished from Hendrick's vision.

The two's destination? To a faraway land.