Second Exosia

"What the f*ck are you shouting?!" Azrael punched Liam in the face.

The poor boy flew at a long distance. He kept on rolling until he finally stopped.

"Hey, hey! That hurts!" Liam rubbed his cheeks.

"Don't you know what you're going into? You're hoarding attention. Shouting the name of the Sin of Greed himself in an Alternate Reality is like asking for trouble!" Azrael panicked and tried sensing the Alternate Reality they were in.

"What do you mean?" Liam was confused.

Azrael breathed a sigh of relief when he scanned the whole place. Looks like no one was near them.

He cast Liam a deep gaze and explained.

"The Seven Deadly Sins can hear the prayers of people, spirits, and other entities. Shouting their names is like calling them. Once you shout one of their names, a lesser demon will be connected to you and tracked you!"

"Woah. Just like a call agent? That's awesome!" Liam's eye glittered.

Azrael shook his head and focused on Liam's chest once more.

Liam noticed his stare and immediately covered his chest with his hands.

"Gay!" He grinned and pointed at Azrael.

"Wh-What the f*ck are you shouting! I am not" Azrael blushed and panicked. He just realized what he did earlier and felt embarrassed.

"Ehem!" Azrael coughed and changed the topic.

"The Demon's Exosia, it is already engraved on your chest. Test it out. I'm also curious what ability you got!" Azrael's previous embarrassed looked became serious.

"Exosia? Where?" Liam looked at his body. He finally saw an insect-like tattoo on the side of his belly.

"Holy cow! It's awesome! These tattoos are amazing!" Liam looked at his body once more and laughed.

"I look dope!"

"Do you wanna test it out?" Azrael grinned.

"No thank you. I'm tired. I just wanna sleep." Liam blinked his eyes. He was entirely exhausted. His lips were pale and his face was now lacking luster. Azrael also punched him in the face earlier. It was glowing red and looked painful.

"Piggyback me, Azrael" Liam walked in Azrael's direction.

"No. F*ck off." Azrael looking at Liam, backed off.

"Stay away from me, child!" Azrael threatened.

"It's your fault for punching me in the face!" Liam argued.

"You can also carry me if you don't wanna piggyback..."

Azrael turned his head sideways and replied.

"It's not my fault! It's yours. We could be in trouble if I didn't stop you. Walk on your own!"


Liam didn't reply.

Azrael looked confused when he heard a snoring sound. He immediately turned his head once more and saw the petty boy sleeping.

"Oh, god damn it!"

Azrael clenched his teeth and fist. He paced back and forth thinking about what to do.

"I'll just throw him in the portal!" He grinned. Then he looked at Liam. Seeing his bruised cheeks and pale body, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Just this time..." Azrael picked him up and 'princess carry' the child. He didn't forget searching the missing fragment from Amias' corpse. After seizing it, he threw it in his black portal. It also has a storage function after all.

Azrael then summoned his trusty black portal for teleporting. He opened his wings, flew and entered it.


A black circle suddenly appeared in Liam's room. From it, a demonic being stepped out carrying a boy.

Azrael threw Liam on his bed and prepared to leave. He once more summoned a portal. While he was entering it, he heard Liam's voice.

"Thanks, Azrael. You really did carry me..." Liam giggled.

"I really hate you, child!" Azrael stormed off in the portal. He was fuming in anger. He was bamboozled once again.

"A tsundere demon. What a disgrace." Liam laughed in his bed. He coughed a few times and his smile vanished.

"I almost died. Without Azrael, I could have died from the poison."

"If I want to be a hero for fun, then I must grow stronger!" Liam punched the air. And he dozed off after that last action. He was so exhausted from the fight, he absolutely needed to rest.




Liam smashed the alarm clock into pieces. He was still adjusting to his own power. The alarm clock was unintentionally broken because of Liam's carelessness.

"Eh? Now I have to spend money buying another one." Liam groaned and rose from his bed.

He did his morning routine. He stretched his body for a while before cleaning his room.

"Sh*t. Azrael's footprints are so dirty" Liam complained while mopping the floor.

Azrael in his original demon form doesn't wear any boots or shoes. He was just barefooted.

"Son, breakfast is ready!" Veronica shouted from downstairs.

"Wait a minute!" Liam smiled and cleaned his room fast. He was starving so much that he could eat a whole cow!

Exactly after a minute, Liam hurriedly went downstairs. His mouth was watering just from the smell of food.


"Bacon and egg. What a good match!" Liam devoured everything on the table at lightning speed.

The fruits and the bread suffered the same fate, getting eaten.

"Chew your food properly, your food won't run anywhere." Veronica giggled at the sight of his son.

"You're even more greedy than a pig. Slow down."

Liam listened and ate slowly. His body badly needed nutrients. The blood loss yesterday hasn't yet recovered. He still requires to rest for a week before he could engage in another death battle.

"I'll wash the dishes today. Wash yourself first before you go to school." Liam's mom instructed.

'Lucky! I don't have to wash the dishes today!' Liam happily celebrated in his head.

He looked at the clock displayed on top of the dining room and quickly wrapped up the food in front of him.

"I forgot! There's a flag ceremony on Monday! I must not be late today!" He quickly rushed towards the bathroom and washed his body fast.

Liam noticed something when he was inside the bathroom. He smell like blood, dirt, and sweat combined together. He only realized it after properly smelling himself.

"Thank God mom didn't smell me."


"I'm heading off now, mom!" Liam grabbed his mom's hand and gently pressed it on his forehead.

"I might return late. I have something to do after class." He added.

"Stay safe, son. Enjoy your day!" Veronica smile and waved goodbye to his son.

Liam rushed outside the house and looked at his surroundings.

"Azrael, where are you?" He whisper-shouted. He learned his lesson the other day. He might offend someone again if he's not careful.

No reply came.

"That old man! Where the heck is he?" Liam grumbled and hailed a tricycle.

"Where are you heading, kiddo?" A bulky man driving the tricycle asked Liam.

"To Rizal University, sir." Liam respectfully answered.

"Gotcha!" The driver smiled.


"Thanks for the ride! Here." Liam gave his pay and rushed towards the gate. That's how afraid Liam was at being late.

Upon entering the gate, Liam took out his school ID from his bag and tap it on a machine.

The female school guard look at his haircut and uniform then nodded. Signaling that it was ok to enter the school premises.

This was how strict university here were. You always need your ID to enter the university. You also need to wear a proper uniform. Your hair must not be dyed. You also need to follow the proper haircut for both boys and girls.

Liam swept his eyes at the quadrangle and saw many students lining up. He saw familiar faces and smiled.

"Guess I'm just on time."

He searched for his class' line and quietly stood in the back corner. He greeted some of his friends and waited for the flag ceremony to start.

The ceremony was just like usual. Singing the national anthem, reciting the country's oath, singing the school's anthem, and some announcements for the school.

After the Principal's brief announcement, all the students in the quadrangle went on their own. Some went through the canteen. Some to the library. While the others like Liam directly went to their room.

Liam ran for quite a while before reaching the building his room was at. He breathed a sigh of relief when he noticed that the line in the elevator isn't long. Normally when it's noon and after the ceremony, the elevator will be packed to the brim. And he would rather climb the stairs than wait. Luckily he rushed here before the other students.

He waited for not that long and finally entered the elevator.

He silently clicked the 6th-floor button and quietly stood on the corner.


The elevator finally opened on the 6th floor.

"Please excuse me..." Liam scratched his head while whispering to the people in front of him.

Two girls in front of him silently move out of the way for Liam to leave.

"Thanks!" Liam looked at them and smiled.

When the elevator closed once more, Liam's smile vanished.

While the two girls were whispering to each other inside the elevator.

"He's cute!" The other girl whispered to her friend.

"Yeah. You should try your luck with him. You're beautiful enough. Although, I'm more beautiful." The other girl swayed her hair in her friend's direction.

"Sl*t!" Her friend snarled.


Liam reach his hand on the doorknob when he remembered something.

"F*ck! I still haven't cleared the misunderstanding with Nathalie. I hope she won't act like crazy in school."

He steeled his heart and turned the doorknob.

"Here goes nothing!" Liam whispered in his mind.

He went to the back row and quietly sat there. He saw Nathalie glaring at him.

"Goodmorning..." Liam awkwardly greeted his best friend.