All Cleared Up

The bell rang and class was finally over.

"At last~ I'm so hungry." Liam yawned and stretched his arms.

He shifted his eyes at Al and smiled.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" He asked with his puppy eyes.

Al sighed and rose up from his seat.

"Let's go, weirdo."

Liam happily stood up when he remembered something.

'Cr*p. I still hadn't cleared up the misunderstanding with Nathalie'

He facepalmed himself and head in Nathalie's direction.


Nathalie was hurriedly arranging her things in the bag. She needed to go home as early as possible. Two demons were in her classroom. One was her best friend while the other one was an archdemon.

Her family was already notified but since this is a public place, they can't suddenly barge their way here. The two demons also haven't done their move. Maybe they meant no harm in here after all.

But she can't let her guard down. Demons were mischievous creatures at heart. They might be plotting something that will lead to disaster.

She was overthinking too much that she dropped her pen on the floor.

Just as she was about to crouch down to get it, a hand grabbed it for her.

"You are as clumsy as ever, Nath." Liam giggled and rubbed her head.

Nathalie purred and giggled. She really loved being petted. But after a while, she snapped out of it and jumped away from Liam.

"Stay away from me you Demon!" Her lips trembled while her entire body was shivering from fright.

The remaining students in the class were startled. They looked at Nathalie and then at Liam. After that, they ignored the two.

Almost everyone in the class knows the relationship between them. They were best friends since childhood. And playing around and teasing have become the two's daily habits. And this scene playing out right now was a daily occurrence for them

"Dang, you're really paranoid, huh. Although that warms my heart knowing you care for me, at the same time it's kinda annoying now..." Liam truthfully said and scratched his head.

After that, he grabbed the stiff Nathalie and stared at her big beautiful eyes.

"Nathalie... I'm not possessed nor controlled. I'm just your plain, old, handsome, smart, charming Liam. Nothing else." He touched her little nose and once more rubbed her cute head. He giggled at Natalie's expression.

Afterward, he turned around and left.

Nathalie jolted. Her eyes constricted and as if she received enlightenment, all the fog covering Liam before vanished.

'I see...'

"The way he rubbed my hair is the same as it used to. His eyes showed the same pure and heartwarming stare." Nathalie thought in her mind.

After that thought came into her mind, Liam's smell took a 180-degree turn. The usual pungent and repulsive smell slowly got replaced by a sweet, heavenly scent that it used to have.

Then Liam turned around again.

"Adios, amigo!"

'Same old Liam, indeed.' Nathalie showed a genuine, beaming smile. Flowers and sunshine seem to envelop this sweet girl.

"Idiot. It's amiga."

Liam dozed off for a while and shook his head in resignation.

'The wide space you occupied in my heart abruptly will never vanish.' Liam laughed out loud and left the room.


'And finally, it's all cleared up' Liam sighed while walking with Azrael on the school grounds.

They attract a ton of attention on the way. The two's looks and demeanor will make someone stop for a while to take a peek. The white-haired hottie radiated a demonic and royalty disposition. While Liam radiated an innocent and approachable air around him. Combining the two, they both enhance each other's beauty.

"I know I'm handsome. But surely I'm not that handsome, right?" Liam pondered. He was used to attention, but this kind of exaggerated attention was a first.

Azrael ignored him. He was the son of Lucifer, being praised, adored, complimented, and worshipped was a normal occurrence in his life. And the recognition he was receiving at the moment was minuscule compared to what he normally experienced.

Along the way, Liam awkwardly walked.

'This is too much! Does this happen every time to famous people? How do they ignore this?' He perspired. Even though he was shameless and thick-skinned to the extreme, this was the first time he experienced something like this.

He turned his head and stared at Azrael.

'Nothing is out of the ordinary. What gives?'

It isn't obvious, but Liam's the type of guy that can't distinguish a good-looking person from a not that good-looking one. To him, everyone's faces were the same as each other. The only person he saw as attractive and good-looking was himself. Truly a prideful individual like his demon pet.

What he didn't know was that there was another key component why they were hoarding attention. That was because Azrael unconsciously radiated the aura of nobility. That's why the people around the two stare at them like they were celebrities.

Finally, they left the school grounds. But the attention they received didn't stop, albeit it increased more. They went to the nearest fast-food restaurant and entered the establishment.

When the two entered the door, all eyes were on them, the place became quiet. They silently stared at the duo.

'Oh for f*ck's sake!' Liam couldn't help but cursed in his mind. But Azrael didn't flinch and acted normally, opposite to the panicking man beside him.

"What can I get for you, sir?" The counter clerk nervously asked. Azrael and Liam both looked like important people. Their presence combined was too much.

Azrael ordered first. He was very familiar with the menu as if he frequented this place.

"Just one order of spaghetti with a burger. Coke for a drink." He simply stated.

"How about you kind sir?" She became more comfortable with Liam. He seemed kind and easygoing, unlike his friend who's aura was too overbearing.

"Uhmmm. I'll take the same order as him. Oh wait, now that I think of it, I'll take a happy meal. That new toy looks cool." Liam laughed while pointing at a boy with an action figure-like toy.

The boy stared at him and glared. He then hid his toy, that man looked suspicious. He might steal his action figure if given the chance.

"Grrrrr" The boy snarled.

And of course, Liam, being the petty guy he was, similarly snarled. With much intensity, because that's his ninja way.


The two continued bantering for a while Azrael paid for their food. Where did the money come from? No one knows.

The lady finally got their food and notified them.

"Here's your order and your happy meal sir. Please enjoy!" She smiled stiffly. How badly she wanted to finish their order.

"Thank you, miss. Have a good day." Liam smiled innocently.

"Uhmm...yeah...thanks." The lady blushed and stuttered. Liam's handsome face was deeply ingrained in her mind.

The two quickly found a seat and quickly went there, afraid that someone might snatch it in front of their eyes.

They didn't know if fate was playing on them but a fat lady suddenly appeared out of nowhere and took that seat away from the both of them.

"Fat b*tch!" The two of them cursed at the same time.

"Excuse me?" The woman was angry at the comment when she glanced at the two rude boys.

"Oh my. Hi there boys..." She flirtatiously blinked her eyes. Her attitude turn 180 degrees when she realized both of them were good-looking.

"Ah God please kill me." The two didn't hide their disgust. They had enough of it and looked for new open seats, preferably away from this woman.

They finally found one and ate happily. Azrael didn't like the taste of human food, but Liam enjoyed it. He made a small chat with Azrael while playing with his toy.

"Hey, Azrael. Now that I realized it, what kind of man is Lucifer?" Liam curiously asked. He also sensed something that Azrael was hiding from him purposely. So he wanted to probe more.

"Oh? My father?" Azrael was shocked that Liam asked him this question.

'Hmmm. This is quite personal. Will I answer him or not?' Azrael pondered.

"Father is... You know what. Let me tell you a story instead." Azrael sighed and cleared his throat. Storytelling was fun in its own way.

"Yay! Storytime!" Liam excitedly raised his arms.

"You see, in the beginning, there were two Gods. The Heavenly God and the Demon God. For unknown reasons, they were battling for centuries to claim supremacy. That's when the Heavenly God created the first angel."

"An Angel so perfect that he was almost a God himself." He proudly told Liam.

"Eh? An angel so perfect that he was almost a God? Isn't that too op?" Liam voiced out his thoughts.

"It comes with a price Liam. The price was that the Demon God could also create his own servant. That was the rule of the Gods. If one will create, the other one has to create one too. If the one wanted to destroy, the other one has to destroy something too."

"Ohhh. Then what did the Demon God created?" Liam curiously asked.

"He created the Serpent. The Demon God's most faithful servant. Its intelligence was merely like that of an ordinary human. Hence making it easier to control. But beware of its power, its strength is almost the same as the Gods. This serpent was named Noctifer, meaning night-bringer."

Liam sensed something amiss. He could somehow know what happened next.

"The Heavenly God named his most faithful servant Lucifer, meaning light-bringer. Lucifer was the most intelligent, the most powerful, and the most beautiful of all angels. The Heavenly God also let him have his own will. A will where he can freely choose whatever he wants."

Liam smiled.

"I see." Unknowingly, he felt his blood rushing, anticipating what happens next.

"Lucifer's beauty, wisdom, and might, all the good things created in him by God, led him to pride. Thus the first and most heinous sin was born. The Sin of Pride"

"His pride led to his rebellion. He doesn't want to follow and be ordered by someone. He was he, and his master should only be he. What he wants, he shall obtain."

"The Sin of Pride..." Liam murmured under his breath.