
Little by little Liam started bleeding. Wound by wound appeared on his body.

This showed just how powerful Crimson was. Liam was wearing an enchanted suit powered up by the enchantment 'Indestructible'. It enhances his defensive capabilities and could absorb shock to reduce the damage taken.

But this enchantment doesn't even exist at all because of Crimson's strenght. The beast's golden-red eyes flashed with a killing glint. Eyes that displayed how much he was experienced in killing.

An experienced killer was more powerful than a professional martial artist who has never taken a life.

Liam slowly retreated and gritted his teeth.

"Exosia: Flight"

Out of nowhere, black thunderclouds covered Liam's one-meter radius. This made Crimson stop on his tracks.

He used his nose to detect Liam but to no avail. The fog was covering his very existence to him. Taking precautions, he jumped back and waited for Liam to reappear.

"What's your name child? I shall remember it, you're a mighty foe. All the Heroes who arrogantly faced me all died. How disappointing that you're still a little boy. I could have eaten you." Crimson lamented.

He was really disappointed that Liam was not yet eighteen. Crimson didn't suspect Liam lying about his age. He has a bestial instinct that acts like a lie detector. And he never spotted Liam lying.

"Is it more polite if you introduce yourself first?" Liam's tired voice resounded inside the fog.

He felt Crimson being wary at this black fog surrounding him so he deduced there's some special effect this fog has that he doesn't know. Therefore, he stood still on his ground, not moving an inch.

"My name is Crimson, The Beast. Happy? What's yours?" Crimson replied grumpily.

"Oh? We're introducing ourselves by our Alias? Then the name is Demonyo, the one who's gonna destroy your balls later." Liam seriously stated and finally move.

"Then try!" Crimson also moved. Dashing straight at the fog with a bloodthirsty expression.


Liam expended a lot of stamina and activated his Exosia strongly.

"Exosia: Weak Telekinesis"

The debris that was on the ground began shaking. These rocks were accumulated because of the exchange the two have done. They floated in mid-air and with a thought, these rocks headed straight to Crimson.

But Liam didn't just end his attack immediately. This rock will dealt only little damage to his foe. Hence, he flapped his wings with all his strength.

The air compressed and increased the rocks' speed and power. They gained penetrating ability in the process because of the powerful gust of air surrounding them.

Crimson noticed Liam's wings and his mouth twitched. Luckily they were inside the museum. If they were outside, then he would have a hard time dealing with a flying opponent.

Crimson stopped and inhaled a ton of air inside his lungs. His mouth and belly were bloated. It was a funny sight, but in Liam's eyes, it was yet another dangerous ability.


A shocking roar resounded inside the museum. The walls shattered by Crimson's voice alone. The soldiers who were with him already have an earpiece protecting them from the pain and damage.

Liam's ear bleed. He used his wings to shield his front. The rocks he threw earlier came back at him. This debris was more sturdy than before. The air generated from Crimson's mouth was stronger than the winds produced by his wings.

'D*mn it!' Liam panicked.

Liam was running out of ideas. Swallowing his pride, he shouted with all his might.



Five minutes earlier...

"What a strange plan." Azrael laughed. He was flying in mid-air. His perception was spread towards the whole building. Making sure Liam's safety was a priority.

He just saw Liam entering the door casually. It was a strange sight to behold.

After a while, he frowned.

At the same time, Crimson appeared in Liam's sight, his perception of that exact place vanished.

As if Liam just entered a no-looking zone.

"This is dangerous!" Azrael was alarmed.

He dashed straight towards the door. His wings flapped crazily and destroyed the door. Killing the two guards unintentionally.

The thugs were shocked.

"What the heck!"

"A Hero!"

"We're under attacked!"

The thugs panicked and pointed their guns everywhere. They didn't notice any sign of life and panicked even more.

These normal people have no way of sensing Demons. For that reason, to their point of view, a strong current of air suddenly generated out of nowhere and killed the two guys guarding the door.

Azrael flew towards where Liam was. What he saw piqued his interest.

Liam just kicked a tall man in the balls.

But he sensed something wrong. This man's strength was hidden.

"Exosia: All-Seeing Eyes"

A golden hue glowed in his chest. Then his right eye turned pitch black.

"Oh no..."

This Exosia unfolds everything unseen. With this, he saw Crimson's powerful aura.

"He's about to reach transcendence!" Azrael gulped.

Transcendence was basically rising above human's limit. After transcendence, you'll escape the shackles of humanity and become a unique race of your own. You'll stop being human and become a new being. A powerful being.

The exact number of transcendent being here on Earth were unknown. They were powerful and some could destroy a country with their strength.

Azrael was a powerful being. Much more powerful than an experienced transcendent. But here on Earth, the amount of strength he can exercise was only five percent of his real power.

And he couldn't also wreak havoc on Earth. The laws of this world were too powerful. Stopping spiritual beings from destroying this place.

Azrael's battle with the Zo Family was permitted by the Laws of the World. The reason was because of the agreement proposed by Heaven and Hell.

'Liam's in big trouble!'

He couldn't stop Crimson. He'll be constricted and might damage his soul permanently.

Then his All-seeing Eyes detect another anomaly.

A glowing purple scale.

"Noctifer's Scale!" Azrael almost fainted in shock.

'How is this possible! How could his scale be here!' Azrael's huge amount of knowledge can't fanthom what's going on right now.

He was considered ancient in human standards. But his sister alone was 2000 years old older than him. And his father's age was indescribable. He still doesn't possess all the knowledge of history. They weren't mentioned in any ancient text.

The existence of the scale made everything more complicated.


Liam's voice snapped the daze demon.