Awake and Alive

With Malice dripping like Venom, words came out of my mouth that were not mine but all the same were things I would have said.

"Long Time no See Brother! Mind Getting your Filthy Paws Off My Mate?"

His face and vengeful demeanor had fallen as He looked upon me, who was now taller than Him, as if I should have been dead long ago. As He failed to register my intentions, I reached for the Candle He now loosely held in disbelief and let her slip from His grasp as I strongly pulled her away with care not to hurt her in the process.


Bringing her to my chest and holding her entire body with one arm I realize just how small she really is. And it's even more adorable as she looks up at my face with awe, as my Blue eyes still flamed with malice.

"Pretty" she whispers as she falls into a sleep-like state now that she is safe.

Some words I did not understand yet came from my mouth as I had Gestured towards Him as a new distortion appeared behind him showing a Giant Black Hole Howling in Full Gory came into view.

"Behind you is Where she really is."

He turned dumbfounded around to where He saw her True Location. Turning His head between the Child in my arms and the Raging Black Hole, He became even more confused.

"No one can survive in there and yet she is here but she's there?" He asked weakly as if all he knew had been shattered.

"And yet you still intend to kill her even though you were the Captain of Her Guards?"

"But... but... everyone died in vain for that Fake Queen!" He said as he slowly became more angrily confused at the two locations of the same person.

"Time of That Event has yet to happen."

"!.! ?.?"

"When you betrayed Her who trusted you, Time Spun Backwards with the force of the blast doing Its Best to Save its one and ONLY RULER WHO YOU TRIED TO KILL!"

Reaching for Him with my other Claw I grabbed Him so hard that He could barely move. Pulling back my arm I prepare to throw him with A LOT of Force towards the Giant Hole.


Launching Him As Hard as my Anger would allow me to, He flew into the distortion towards the Black Hole with such Velocity it defied the Gravitational Pull as He flew into the Polar Region transferring his momentum onto the solidified object in the center that looked like multiple creatures embracing. Once He hit it, IT Launched out the other Polar end as it flew out of the Grasp of Gravity and into free space as its speed could be equal or more than light speed.

He who now is called Traitor by his own Brother took the full force of the cyclone of energy that had bombarded the previous Core. The Core, which had noticed the absent energy of its Maker, became happy that she had survived but now with the unique energy signature on this new core it could tell it was an enemy and it decided to become a Prison for this new Core.

As soon as He entered and something more dense went flying from the other polar end of the black hole I could tell that my anger subsided. With each deep breath of relief the shadows that became my armor dissipated into steam and lingered around my body as they formed into droplets and slowly drifted around me. I looked down at the sleeping face of the Female and noticed that my body was still enlarged and seemed permanent.


'Now for the next step.' As I gathered my energy back into his shadow I slowly rose behind him.

His previously megger size of seven feet had increased to Ten feet high with a build to match it, 

'Meh, he'll grow to be our size eventually.'

As the droplets had blocked his view and swirled around to the back of him I gathered back together to my full size of Twenty Feet high. I looked at the small portal and then down at him as he seemed to sense something ominous coming.

Stretching my multiple arms upwards and sideways, twisting all of my wrists into the fabric of the tunnel, to fully grip and support myself.

I cocked one of my legs backwards and shifted my weight to take aim.


As my rage slowly fell away, I looked at the small pale female in my arms with relief. My breathing became slightly heavier as I became calm and tired from exhaustion when I noticed something slowly falling off me and becoming like droplets in the air.


Distracted by the dark droplets that encircled me, I had not noticed that in the portal a small heavy mass moving at a rapid pace in the other direction. 

Only when Her weight changed in my arms did I notice that something was wrong. 

As my attention went back to the small thing in my arms slowly becoming transparent as the small mass flew away from the open portal. 

My mind became confused as I felt something grow behind me, its presence slowly became ominous as dread quickly filled my whole being.

"You Better Catch Up To Them!"

With a sharp pain in my back I clutch the Child as we get launched through the portal at high speeds.


A shiny dark figure with three arms glowing and another three typing something on them at the same time at different paces paused as an unidentified flying object launched into the Mega Black Hole and something that had multiple fading life signs flew out from the other end at a higher speed. Just a moment later a stronger life sign flew out of nowhere in the same direction of the smaller one. Putting his arms down he flexed his shoulders forward and flew in the zero gravity of space in the direction of the two as he tried to hone his eyesight to see what was going on.

Going at a slower pace then those that were launched from somewhere he barely saw the Stronger one strike the Smaller one knocking them both sideways into a manually made distortion at the speed of light. Quickly typing on one arm his speed increased as he tried to make it into the distortion before it closed, not paying attention to how his other arms glowed a faint golden-blue.

The arm that was being typed on was registering the distance that the distortion went and being baffled at the time it had shown he sent a quick message to the Clan before entering it at his own risk. 

If there was a chance to change what had happened on that forsaken planet ... then he was going to change it at all cost he was going to keep her safe this time!


After something struck us hard enough for us to go sideways, I could  feel a faint ripple coming from within my grasp and another ripple from outside of our group. Confused and in pain I opened my eyes to see what had hit us again. Only to see two Clear Blue Eyes looking at me in confusion, and within its grasp was Kyrniz with Golden hair like a flame.

Baffled, I slowly moved two arms just slightly in between him and me to see a Kyrniz in my arms still asleep. 

Before anyone could do anything His Kyrniz turned into a streak of light and dashed into My Kyrniz who then was encased in a cocoon of odd material.

Looking exhaustedly at the Blue eyed begin, feeling familiar with him yet estranged as my consciousness was slowly fading from me.

"So you were still alive even through that pressure?" a strong but caring voice sounded in my mind as I tried to hold on. "If you're ok with it I can take it from here. Rest now, Child, for I Am Here."

Knowing what he meant I nodded and faintly saw him move behind me and as the last of my consciousness faded, I felt warm relief from behind as we merged into one as I drifted into abyssal sleep.

Once we became One, once again I took notice of my new limbs, and how the Golden Band also appeared on my arms, and flexed slightly also closing the small gap that led to the Child. Now knowing how this body moves, I look at the dead group of males that risked their life to protect this small one. Using the rest of the ripple, I connected all of the other bodies to myself. With a faint blue electricity that went in-between each body and back to me I could feel that there were Blank Souls still within them. 

So using what I know of Making I restarted their dead hearts and led the souls to their spots.

Soon after ... I don't know how long we have traveled ... Many shades of Red eyes looked at me like I was their Father. 

Sighing with relief, in my mind I could feel their gaze and confusion, knowing that they are alive and awake again.

[Sleep for now and dream.] 

Sending images of how to fight and survive in various scenarios to all of them I drifted to sleep of exhaustion ... unaware that further back in the tunnel of lights, was an entity trying to catch up with a strong hope and determination set in his soul at what would happen when they had entered the Main Laboratory in that Abandoned Facility.

He would defy history and time just to keep her safe at the cost of his life.