Streaking Live Comet

What do you think of when you hear about a comet or asteroid that doesn't act like it should? What would you believe if you were looking at a radar in the middle of space and saw a large life sign coming at you at a fast pace? But nothing showed up on any other monitor? No warning at all that something was in the perimeter of your station that could cause damage or was a threat needed to put up the Shields.

Would you ignore it like it was nothing? It's probably just a newborn baby Leviathan coasting to the next star for an energy wave snack? But not seeing a second Life sign to indicate a babysitter for a baby does make you confused. Would you notify your supervisor of this odd signal or just let it pass?

Walking to the thick layered glass and looking out you see a sea of mixed colors around your small station with different sizes of light dots dotting the expanse of your vision. You don't see the unique lighting of the Leviathans in the direction of the signal.

Would you panic? Would you be calm and think of it as a glitch? Are you someone who will ignore something without evidence? Or are you someone who will listen to their gut feeling and/or instinct in a situation where you are isolated and one false move could destroy you and those around you?

The Being in the Out-post felt confused, as nothing was scheduled for approach, nor was he notified about any Leviathans coming even near this part of the sector. As the small life sign turned into many as it seemed to be getting closer intrigued him as there has been no contact for a while now and his shift should've ended seven years ago. But the excitement of possibly going home soon turned into fear as the life signs were not moving around like usual for a vessel approaching..... instead they were all grouped together and had less numbers than a ship would have. Also its direction was also unusual.

Like it was being guided by a force that this station was unexpected by....

"Wait a Minute"

The feeling of dread soon creeped further upon him as the dots on the screen were increasing in size. Doing quick calculations at the speed that is being read, his face paled as he hit the One Button that was Never supposed to be pushed. After feeling the safety release click he hightailed it out of the Observatory, brushed his wrist alongside the door as the AI of the station realized his panic and transferred itself onto his bracelet. Jumping down the stairs by the lot to reach five levels down he entered the escape pod and ignored the safety protocols. Closing the door as fast as possible and wrapping his arm in the harness with one hand he slammed the Release Icon with his other.

Just as the Drop occurred the station exploded launching the escape pod even faster than originally intended.

As he watched fire engulf his pod, he gripped tighter as it picked up speed. Very soon the fires were left behind.... but he was headed in the wrong direction.

Looking out the small sealed layered glass, he saw the glorious colorfulness of the universe quickly turn into its Inverted colors, as he passed the Horizon into the Black Listed Galaxy of Death. Now in a small vessel with no strong shielding he was subjected to gravitational pulls.

Mainly the closest larger object than his small pod. As the Pod shook as it corrected itself to follow the Comet, all hope had left the poor lonely soldier on watch duty, as he got closer to the Comet he believed he was seeing things.

'Was a Solid Comet really moving like that? Did all those small Red and Orange Lights just Blink at me?'

The feeling of being stared at by a predator, that your body's natural response is to run as soon as it's gaze, was flooding the young boy as he was unintentionally getting closer. Soon a large planet came into view and the Comet suddenly changed directions like it was Snagged out of the air by a net, and soon to follow was the Pod.

A large explosion happened, and shockwaves hit the pod and continued to expand the entirety of the Inverted Galaxy, as soon as it reached its edge's Horizon, another force Pulled everything back to the Center and collapsed in on itself with such force that it exploded again, leaving nothing behind but a Galaxy Size Black Hole. That didn't suck anything in it just sat there spinning slowly like a newly formed barrier on a giant scale.