The Collision

"Any Change?"

A raspy voice asked in the darkness.

"Not yet, He's not going insane, and I can not see what he's doing without opening the Cage."

Another raspy voice said as it sounded more dead then the first.

Two Wraiths looked on towards the outline of a figure, the size of a Giant Humanoid, trapped in a Darkened Sphere encased by a planet and everything around it had been dead for such a long time.

It has been Eons since they had replaced the Last Wraiths to guard this Random Prisoner.

Until he dies, to where they can retrieve and search his person. Or he gives them something out of the effects of delirium, their job is to watch, guard, and retrieve. But it seems to be a job until their Deaths, because nothing ever has happened, and their relief will come once they die... which seems to be close at hand.


"Why should we have to wait till we die? Can't we just open the Lock just a smidge to take a peek?"

One had asked the other as it held its claws nervously and rocked side to side just slightly as if it would fall any moment.

"No!... That will trigger the alarms!"

The other said as if offended.

"That's the POINT... Then they'll have to come!"

The first one pointed out as a matter of fact with very little hope in his eyes.


The second one held his chin as he contemplated the possibilities of what would happen if they did, as well as the aftereffects of such actions.

"If we make it look like a struggle then we can get Merits for getting him back in and say he had broken through a small crack that had been overlooked for the longest time... what do you think of this plan?"

The second one had asked the first while scratching the back of its head lightly as to not peel anymore dead scales off.

If only the Counsel had stripped him of his belongings before putting him in there, then there wouldn't be a reason to waste the lives of a species' for nothing.

What Idiot wouldn't take the things off of a Prisoner before locking them up?


" We can take a quick tiny peak."

The first one said full of dread and his head hung low as he thought of what Monstrosity was locked away.


As the inverted colored stars zipped past my vision, I continued to look forward as I'm going through Bodachs memories of Kyrniz. Seeing her at the Female's Castle's Keep, where all the young children stay, sent sad yet loving feelings through me. Which also transferred to the nine others who know nothing yet, but the waves of love I'm feeling for her... Again.

From the day my group was assigned to her, to when following her to all the hidden secrets that the adults never knew about. To her goal of exploring space to look for something she feels she lost. The time at the academy, and the shady things that happened around her without directly affecting her goal.

Suddenly there was a Gravitational Tug, from the right side, and a shattered feeling of knowing something but couldn't quite grasp the memory that flashed quickly of a large protective being.


A faint whimpering whisper came from below my head as I felt her stir, for the first time since the Incident... I have lost track of time since before we were in that red mist.

'I'm home.'

She whimpered again... But this time, the Tugging feeling had suddenly increased, as we were jerked towards a planet that looked and felt like the home of the dead.

We had increased in speed even though we had been going at a steady fast pace, now the planet grew close really quickly.

But... things seemed to have become distorted, a feeling that I was extremely used to, the Pulse, that only she was able to generate or give off when she became too focused...

Only... It came from the planet. As the illusion of the planet was shaken away like shards of glass breaking. We had already closed in on the planet at the same time the energy around us grew statically unstable and solid as the illusion shattered away.

A large shell of that of a turtle with a black hole in the middle facing us appeared. And when I say large.... I mean Gigantic.

Drawing in closer as we are forcefully pulled in, I can tell the texture of the Turtle shell seemed off... Like it was drowned and revived just to be torched. The extensive damage that made it seem like it's been there for a while.


An extremely loud broken roar sounded from the Shell and in the silence of space made it ominous and really loud.

Only being able to watch, unable to change course as we get pulled even faster towards the Shell. A sharp beak peaked out in our direction, as if knowing where we were, it launched itself at us. Fully opening its mouth showing rows and rows of backward facing spikes that would engulf us with ease.

Bracing for the pain and protecting her as much as possible I closed my eyes as the shiny backward facing spikes was all I could see before the darkness.


Nothing came...

No pain...

No shredding...

[Initiating Links]

No sound of being crunched.

Instead a faint male voice sounded from the back of my head through a small thread I could feel coming from Kyrniz and branching to all the others. 

[Link Established]

[Unresponsive Host Detected]

[Initiating Retrieval Protocol]



A shockwave sounded in the dead of space as the turtle closed its mouth as quickly as it had opened but something kept it from fully closing as the small, in caparison, comet of life flew into its mouth and down into the darkness.


"I SAID JUST A SMIDGE WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?!" One of the wraiths yelled as unknown lights flashed from everywhere yet nowhere.

{Warning, Warning, Incoming Projectile, Implosion Eminent}

A foreign female's voice sounded very loud and calm... They have never heard anything like that before.

{Turtle Shells' Prison Power Is Going Critical Please Evacuate Before The Projectile Hits The Stitches}



A small dark figure with six arms and three of them were lit up on one side came to a sudden stop before the Drowned Burnt Turtle Shell. 

"Shit I'm Too Late!"

Three arms reached for their adjacent counter side and typed quickly on their forearms. Their speed was a blur but the determination on his darkened face just became serious as the Turtle Shell Imploded in on itself then exploded with enough force to cover the entire galaxy. A soft green glow encased the being as the entire galaxy was brought back in towards where the Turtle was. As soon as the ripple went for another shockwave, it came out covered in a different color but the vibrations at which it pulsed at felt extremely familiar.

"Crystal Systems Creator?"

Once the silver color ripple reached the edge of the "dead" galaxy, it became a thin unbreakable shielding. Preventing anything and everything to reach through, as if to protect a pathway. 

From the outside looking in, one can see the faint design of a Tigers face with ever watching cold eyes ready to kill.