This Won't Do

Deep in a tunnel, a large male being could be seen crawling up the wall with a half their size bipedal tiger dressed in a butler's outfit hanging on their back. Memories flashed past him as he continued to crawl.

"Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day" A female child's voice was singing while a child danced in his memory that came out of nowhere.

Looking up he saw a falling star. His little girl's face flashed in place of it with her hands held out wanting to be caught.

"Daddy, look at me! I'm a star!"

"SIR? ... SIR! I Know that energy!" A strong voice purred by his ear shocked him awake.

Stretching to fill in the space, so as to not let this small change pass him by, he initiated his Abyssal Form at 45% and took up the entirety of the Wormhole Tunnel. 

The bipedal Tiger also grew so he would stay at the same size compared to his Master, digging all four of his claws into the walls as well as becoming a back brace, should what was falling either knock him further down the tunnel or collapse from the impact.

As soon as his claws were securely in the wall he felt extreme weight suddenly Thump- against his back and he braced even further as well as used his skills of [Strengthen: Max] into his entire body and still slid down at a decent small speed. His claws strained as to help his Master, but the after effect of using the Crystal System to stop was also leaving small long scratches in the wall of the Hole. 

As they came to a stop, the bipedal tiger felt his entire strength fade away almost all at once. His Master flexed slightly to get into a better bracing position to see what he had caught. But in doing so made the tiger lose what little strength he had left.

He fell towards the greedily hungry darkness of the wormhole with dread in his entire being. Reason for the despair was simple: his Master's arms were on the other side of his body which had blocked the hole, so there was no way he would be able to help even if he had made a sound.

Stealing himself for what would wait at the bottom of the hole, he regretted only one thing, that he was not able to see the little child his Master cared so much about; that is the only reason he was able to stay sane. 

His weight welcomed the pull into the Deep, as he had no way to stay by his Master's side. 

At least no one could say that he hadn't tried his best. 

He just doesn't have enough or any more strength left in the tank to do so.

No trump cards. (Just used last one up)

No agility or feline maneuvers. (Those required strength to execute)

No ability to shift. (Required energy to do so)

All that was left was to fall.... and see... where he ended up... hopefully a place where he could gather his strength again... if not...

 the worst case scenario... 

He never lands safely.

The feeling of the endless void becoming happy, that specific feeling when you know for sure there's no way back, the one that makes chills run through your entire being. The feeling you know you passed your last chance and now your, I'm danger instincts, have come and gone as he passed that point in his fall.

That feeling now fresh and strong as the Tiger falls with no hope and closes his eyes.

The farther he fell the smaller he got, to where he's the size of a small kitten compared to the Master, he would be about the size of a 6 foot high human adult.


A small voice that sounded so loud in his head. One he hasn't heard in so long. 



His consciousness faded as his body turned into a small ball of light. 


That small ball of light halted its drop and floated around in two circles before launching itself upwards at a faster speed then he had fallen. 

The surrounding darkness became darker as if something starving had just had its food taken away from it.

The small ball of light kept in circles upwards as black tentacles kept trying to grab it.

Angrily, not caring, it kept launching attacks at it in hopes to feed. Not paying attention to where the Ball was going... or how close the attacks were to the large Abyssal Creature who was blocking the entrance.

Beneath the Abysmal Being the small light grew into retrospect compared to its destination, lighting up like a small sun and burning the being who had chased it, before spinning like a disco-ball before phasing into the Abysmal back. White fiery lines appeared as it flowed like lava and became a drawing outline of a bipedal catlike human in a Butler's suit in the middle of the Being's shoulder blades.


Feeling something familiar and looking in the palms of his hands he sees a silver mass of multiple figures who had nine pairs of orange red eyes that looked up at him. Using a single finger he gently brushed them aside to separate the different beings who's forms could no longer be identified. By doing this action he saw a single pair of Blue Eyes that felt familiar yet lost, yet in its grasp was changing hair like colors of a flame of a candle. From pure white to blue to orange and red danced along the long hair that was visible, but no matter how much he poked the mass excuse of a figure, who had actual more distinctive features different than the rest.

"This won't do" He whispered as to not scare the creature. 

He pulled his hand back and the figure just watched him while giving off a small bloodlust of protection, as if he was staring into the Abyss with extreme malice... which had no effect on the giant being in Darkened Abyss Form, though he found the action to be cute... (Like a puppy guarding its favorite toy from being washed.)

While he giggled a bit he paused. Feeling of something that hasn't happened in multiple eons as he shifted just ever so slightly and looked past his side to see light shine briefly before disappearing as the itchy feeling subsided on his back.


"Hold on to her Little One. Or I will tear you apart if you lose her." His voice sounded irritated as he slowly closed his hand to not crush them.

It was brief but he saw the figures all rush and gather on her as the one with Blue Eyes nodded.

Shifting his weight he put one foot into a crack that was formed by the Tiger Butler's attempt to help, and pushed up on his opposite arm and swung his other leg downwards hard.

Hitting something squishy that squealed in pain and retreated.... or tried to at least...

Its entire body became lit up like a Crystal as it tried to fight against the feeling of being compressed and failed. 

Fear filled its being as it came before the Abysmal angry face.

"You Will PAY For What You Did!" His voice sounded, like what the Dark would fear, sound like. "Guard the entrance and feed on the energy of those Council members who will come. Once they are all dead is when you will be released!"

Taking a deep breath in the cage the creature was in came to him mouth, tilting his head up he exhaled hard to launch it upwards and exploded the Space Turtle which caused an explosive wave that the energy in the entire galaxy was swallowed in a swirling darkness with a membrane of crystal like shine as the face who took on a tigers was the creature who got turned into a Tiger like mass of tentacles as it's fur. 

Eating it's fill on all the items in this galaxy that had an odd taste that was addictive and took it a while to eat a single item at a time as it waited like it was told to do.