Now Let's Fix This Mess

After he exhaled and a small implosion occurred, he then confidently dropped down the hole at a rapid pace. Like he knew exactly where they were going. Bringing his hand towards his chest palm side up he opened a few fingers and took a peak. The small ball of mass rolled around until the Blue Eyes one could look at him straight in the eyes and gave a small glare with a tiny, not that threatening, cute aura of bloodlust before closing its eyes and becoming like the other silver creatures and became a solid like ball.

Satisfied he closed his fingers and breathed a sigh of relief as joy, sadness, regret, anger, curiosity, and love rushed his feelings all at once. Brushing them aside he focused on the fall as he shifted sideways every now and then asif to avoid specific obstacles, that weren't there but were, as his eyes saw what shouldn't be seen. It became darker the farther they went as different lines passed them by that gave off their own vibe as more and more started to light up the Hole. Once this occurred he started to spin himself to the left like a corkscrew and fell straight down the Middle at a faster speed as the Hole became smaller.


A Light Blue Square Screen popped up in the corner of his vision 



A young male voice welcomed as the surrounding expanded and a small {pop} sounded as if they passed through a barrier.

A balanced colored sky appeared with fluffy welcoming clouds as his descent became slower and the Barrier fully closed behind him. Opening his hand he let the ball of Silver float as all the pairs of eyes snapped open and looked around, like the creature ants their behavior was similar. Nine outlines separated evenly in different directions, but still connected to the Blue Eyes figure, as the long hair flipped around like an active flame in its grasp.

A green grassy circular field rose up to meet them with a Giant forest surrounding it and had larger mountains in the distance on one side and a roaring deep colored blue sea that rushed in one direction like a river, and in the far distance was steaming black rocks that had a dark red glow that moved ever so slightly, on the other side of the black smaller mountains that the river-sea rushed past with ease.

Moving his giant hand to block the flow of air under the bundle the nine figures looked up at him and slowly retreated back into a ball and embraced again. Their way of instinctual protection towards the one in the middle was astonishing.

Extreme relief flooded his being as he slowly closed his hand to where they would barely roll around. Moving his arms to his side and tipped forward so his head was aimed downwards his speed increased. Once his shadow became noticeable in the field did a Crystal like pyramid become visible that was taller than the trees, and the top opened at the seams and outwards to make a space enough for him to make it through. Doing a quick flip bat like angel wings popped out of his shoulders catching the draft and bringing him to a stop just before the floor of the grassy field in the forest.

Opening his hand he knelt and put the back of his hand on the ground, slightly tilting to the side, the ball rolled off. Using his other hand he stopped the roll so it's right in front of him. All eyes popped open and they slowly moved away and tested the ground. Once they started to move separately did he see that they all had six arms in one way or another and each had a different bottom half. 

Some had six legs, some skinny like sticks, some thick like logs, some had fewer legs but at an odd angle. 

But all of them couldn't move their limbs with ease.

So it was evident that none of them have moved properly after the run-away mutations.

After they all separated he took a good look at the one with the one with fire hair in his grasp. A good thick build, taller than the rest, four thick even arms, and two smaller arms which held the person they held that didn't seem inferior to the other four in any way, as well as having two thick muscular legs... but the feet and hands specifically looked like bloody melted paws. Taking a look at the face he cringed slightly... pointed like a reversed melted pyramid showed he tried to stay as he was, which was so close to the center of one of the events, which was where she lost control.


He sighed heavily and his head dropped and he shrunk back down to his humanoid form. His hand covering his face as the tattoo on his back glowed and a beast person in a suit appeared behind him with a hand on his chest and the other behind his back he bowed, all the ten beings became startled, defensive, and amazed at the same time. With a smirk, the tigroid in a suit moved in front of his Master with grace and looked at the others.

"What should be done?" He asked, keeping his back to his Master.

"Let's Fix This 'Mess of Being's' for better usage for my daughter." His voice was still deep and sent shivers down their messed up spines. 

Flicking his hand downward and flipped his palm up did the ground where he aimed, which was next to him, turned into a soft bed of fluffy bushes. Motioning towards the bigger one, then to the new bed, the big one reluctantly moved heavily forwards and laid her down extremely gently.

 Watching closely, did he notice the big one's face kept distorting every second that it moved. In some cases when he was first learning the 'In's and Outs' of failed convergence in his younger years, those who tried to move gently without disturbing what they carried would also distort, just like he was doing.

 Once she was laid down did it collapse over her protectively and out of energy. 

"Move Him."

The big one flinched as if its senses were sensing a larger being coming up behind it with evil intentions.

In reality the six-footer tigroid in a suit walked up beside him. Patting him his large back and then matched his height, 

"You've done a good job." Sliding his other arm underneath him and lifting him with ease, "Now it's time to see the doctor!"


The Butler walked with ease with the big one over his shoulder like a child as he put him by the others.

"Now stay still." With both his hands outstretched from end to end of the ten beings in a line. "This won't hurt as much as the pain you are already in!"