Chapter 14: goodbye Art

(Let me paint your black and white world yellow:)

White flowers come falling down down on my face. Is it my funeral?

I look around and I'm in a dark compressed place. Although it's much comfortable than the cold floor they let me sleep on in the mansion. I try to move but my body won't let me. All the pain between my legs and my torso come back rushing. My body was fighting to keep me alive.I'm wrapped like a burrito. The guy who gave me his jersey wrapped me like he was trying to squeeze the life out of me. It was a bit snuggly I must admit in spite the fact that I no longer want to have this compressed feeling either physically or emotionally. I want to be free and run naked in the open field. I want to skinny dip in the ocean and feel what the fishes feel. I imagine myself in space,not ruled by gravity, but I myself let my heart take me where it wants to be.

I closed my eyes and counted to 3. Without warning appeared a little beam of light. It was hollow and gave me a weird feeling. I put my hands inside and it was like my hand was going through a different dimension or world. It kind of gave me a fuzzy feeling. Mind me that I'm dreaming. Although I can still feel the physical world but I'm far from it. Am I making sense?

I decided to walk into that light and there I was again leaving my body. I floated further away from it until gravity pulled me down and I landed on the car. I climbed down and there she was Kayla Matthews all rolled in a puffer jacket and looking all lifeless. I walked out of the car and stood outside the mansion. I'm wondering to myself why are we still here. Didn't my mother come save me? I thought she slammed kicked those two guards. I walk hesitantly to the mansion. Before me stood a large door engraved with Greek gods. It was magnificent yet kinda unsettling in some way.

I walk through it and there I saw lead of blood like it was being wiped onto the marbled floor. I follow the trail and there stood the woman and geuss who... Mr Mendez himself!

How does Bryson know my mother and what is he doing here? I thought they killed him. When I looked up the roof I saw Maximus. He looked more pale than ever. He looked defeated and weak. They crucified him. They took black paint and white paint and splashed it all over him. I should be delighted and pleased by this view but it disgusted me. Maximus deserves to be tortured for putting me through all that. The thing is I get where he is coming from and I get his frustrations and what led him to be vengeful.

"Maximums what the f*ck is wrong with you? Are you insane?" My mother shouted

Maximus gave out a little chuckle and said, "Art is here and she's watching all of this"

"Shut up! She's sleeping, I brought her back"

"You really must be stupid if you think she can't do it again. She's my kid too remember?"

"Max you really didn't have to take it out on her, why not take me instead?" I saw a tear falling and her voice breaking.

"I knew you would come save her and I would be killed by you. This is all planned but she was supposed to die with me. Get it over with would you!"

"satan has a place for you in hell!"

"Next to me indeed" he gave a weak smirk

I saw my mother pick up one of Max's swords and slit Max in half.

"Makayla Skai Art Matthews I'm sorry!"

She fell on her knees and wept

I shook my head while walking back and ran outside...