Chapter 94: The Backlash of Time and Space_1

Harrison Clark quickly changed his mind, went back to his room and finished organizing more than ten songs from the past, then anxiously awaited the time when the serum would lose its effect.

Three-and-a-half-hours passed.

He had personally experienced more than three hours of time, but he hadn't fallen asleep.

Nothing had changed, as if he was supposed to be in this state.

This indicated that the serum's effect had been solidified as a normal state for him.

After experiencing a brief period of excitement and elation, and sobering up with a cold shower, the calm and steady Harrison Clark began to give himself some intelligence tests.

About two hours later, he completed several IQ test papers and drew a conclusion.

On some level, he had become smarter.

His high attention span and increased mental activity during active thinking improved his speed of thought, allowing him to find the answers he wanted more quickly.