Chapter 95: Overcoming the Storm_1

"Hey, what's going on?"

As Harrison Clark anxiously searched for a taxi, Carrie Thomas finally answered the phone.

Harrison tried to make his voice sound calm, "Tell Susan Lambert to pull over immediately and stop on the emergency lane. I don't need you guys to pick me up."

Carrie asked in puzzlement, "Why?"

"No reason, I... I found a cab myself."

Feeling a headache coming on, Carrie said, "Didn't I tell you to wait? Jeez. You're going to kill me... Never mind. Even if you got a cab, we can't just stop on the side of the road. This is a high-speed elevated highway, we'd get a ticket if we stopped on the emergency lane!"

She had a straightforward personality and would have given anyone else a piece of her mind had they acted so unreasonably. But since it was Harrison, she showed some tolerance and didn't reproach him too much, although she found it quite unreasonable.

"I... you..." Harrison stammered, unable to find the right words.