Chapter 113: Fruitless Arguments_1

The chess game lasted a whole hour and a half.

Both of them remained silent during the game.

Harrison Clark was completely focused.

Nora Camp even had sweat dripping from her temples.

Eventually, even though Harrison lost miserably, he felt a sense of accomplishment when he looked at Nora's slightly reddened face from the intense mental exertion.

Upon finishing, Harrison said, "It seems that I've made quite some progress recently. I can finally give you some trouble."

Nora Camp nodded, "Your improvement in chess has indeed been rapid lately. In order to accurately test the extent of your improvement, I had to exert a lot of effort to maintain my previous level of play. Congratulations, you've advanced from amateur 1-dan to 1.5-dan."

It took Harrison quite a while to realize why Nora had been sweating.

Though she was an unparalleled master, it was quite challenging for her to maintain her previous level of handicap when facing the growing skills of a novice like him.