Chapter 114: Everyone is drunk, only I am sober

In the dark depths of night, the moon was bright and the stars scarce.

Harrison Clark stood on the balcony of his personal suite, gazing at the sky with his thoughts wandering among the stars.

Drip, drip, drip.

A notification sounded, signaling the return of someone downstairs.

Harrison picked up his communicator, "Lion, are you there?"

Daniel Thompson's slightly tired voice came through, "What's up?"

"Want to chat?"

"I'll be right there."

Three minutes later, Daniel appeared on Harrison's balcony, propping his feet up and holding a stemmed glass, commenting, "Ah, the perks of a captain - even your drinks are fresher than mine."

"Don't tease, Lion. Did you just finish a mission?"

Harrison noticed several red marks on Daniel's face, which had been left by the Atom Therapy Device after performing deep wound repair.

"Yes, there was a collapse in the lower level of a collection station on Callisto. I took a small repair team with me."

"What happened to your face?"