Chapter 149: Dawn_1

From that point on, an intense discussion erupted in the private room of this high-end restaurant.

Harrison Clark acted as the mediator, responsible for initiating the discussion and controlling the overall situation.

The grand debate began with Carrie Thomas addressing the art of sound, while Rainer approached it from a scientific standpoint.

They started by discussing the effects of sound on human thought, followed by exploring the possibilities of using sound waves to manipulate the secretion of neurotransmitters like hormones and dopamine.

It was a huge topic, and the trio engaged in a comprehensive and precise discussion.

Although Carrie was never arrogant, Harrison knew that she was currently the most talented person in the world regarding sound.

Rainer's capabilities were not to be underestimated either.

His knowledge spanned a vast range of topics, and the terrifying part was that he was well-versed in almost all of them.