Chapter 150: Three Ingenious Strategies for My Future Self _1

Although it seemed like he was writing vigorously, he was not writing fast at all.

For every sentence he wrote, he would stop for at least half a minute and fall deep in thought.

After ten hours had passed, he had only filled one page.

This was his first attempt to remotely control his "departure" and future.

He didn't know how effective it would be, but being meticulous could only be a good thing.

His plans were detailed in the silk sachet.

Summit Ventures should not blindly attempt to make sci-fi movies in the upcoming development process.

They could wait until they have sufficient capital and collaborate with renowned directors, prioritizing profit-making.

All the movie scripts would come from the detailed outlines that he brought back.

Harrison Clark also emphasized and repeatedly reminded his future self not to be arrogant and must meticulously craft these scripts.