Chapter 174: Humanity is Destined to be Imperfect_1

Previously, Harrison Clark had specifically looked into the Intuition School.

He thought they were a group of very peculiar people.

After proposing the concept of particles with a very metaphysical method, Martha Owen's antimatter bomb project team changed direction and became the Particle-Related Project Team.

The particle-related projects have now become the highest and most advanced in the entire human scientific community and are also the most promising projects to bring breakthrough progress to human war capabilities before the outbreak of the decisive battle.

Particles are the focus of the focus.

Apart from Bernal Connor, the high-level scholar and deputy team leader, many elite forces from various research institutes have been allocated to join Martha Owen's team.

Nowadays, this project team can be said to be strong and well-regarded, with people sharpening their heads trying to get in but unable to do so.