Chapter 174: Humanity is Destined to be Imperfect_2

A middle-aged man was leaning back in a chair, tilting his head upward at a 45-degree angle towards the sky.

His face expressionless, without sorrow or joy, as steady as a mountain, as if an ancient Buddha was meditating.

This man was meditating.

"This is Dr. Matilda from the Institute of Dynamics. He's a project leader in the Curvature Engine Theory Laboratory, specializing in research on the protective energy field required for curvature engines."

Harrison Clark showed some interest.

He was familiar with this project.

The so-called protective energy field, the purpose of which is to cover the outer layer of a spaceship during curvature flight, is a technology that isolates the impact on the spacecraft from the expansion and contraction of outer space.

As an important sub-item under the massive curvature engine project, the advancement of protective energy field research stalled about a hundred years ago.

Despite a hundred years of effort, there was still no progress.