Chapter 180: Turbocharged Civilization Engine_2

But Dr. Scott quickly stopped them.

"No, you can't do it like that; there's no way to restore his body this way."

"Dr. Scott, then what should we do?" The medical staff nearby asked urgently.

Harrison Clark turned his head and looked at Needham Brown's head on the ground with his eyes tightly closed. "His head isn't dead yet; it's still alive. His body structure is strange, his brain doesn't die from a lack of oxygen, it just falls into a deep sleep. Don't bother with his rotting body, just hold his head up and put it into a nutrient solution to maintain it. We'll slowly reconstruct his body later."

Dr. Scott was shocked, "Harrison, do you also understand medicine? Is your range of knowledge that wide?"

Harrison Clark's mouth twitched slightly, "I know a little, but I only used my Intuition School method."

After finishing speaking, he indeed left, appearing somewhat cold-blooded and ruthless.