Chapter 181: New Propulsion Technology and Dyson Membrane_1

August 26, 3020 AD.

A large space transport ship capable of carrying 50,000 people takes off from Mount Everest Space Center, 1,100 kilometers away from the Black Bear Training Base, heading to the traffic hub space station slowly orbiting in the far-Earth space orbit.

On this spaceship, in addition to nearly 10,000 new soldiers from the Black Bear Training Base, there are also nearly 40,000 new soldiers from six other large bases.

After arriving at the hub station, these 50,000 new soldiers will join millions of other new soldiers from around the world, gathering here before boarding thousands of medium and small transport ships to go to the fleets orbiting the sun at multiple different levels.

At present, there are nearly a million ships with different fleets, totaling tens of millions of ships with different specifications.