Chapter 181: New Propulsion Technology and Dyson Membrane_2

As the vehicle moved away from the Solar System and entered deep space, the ubiquitous cosmic background radiation could also be absorbed by the small Dyson membrane, providing the basic energy for propulsion.

In theory, humans now have the ability to roam freely throughout the entire Milky Way Galaxy.

If they had a longer lifespan and stronger construction capabilities, and consumed even more resources from several star systems like the Solar System, they could even build a suitable space for large-scale habitation and construct a complete aerospace social system. Then, humans could set their sights on other major galaxies beyond the Milky Way, spreading like locusts throughout the universe.

These were all beautiful visions.

After half a day, the shuttle quickly crossed the large entrance of the Dyson membrane, jumped over Uranus Orbit, and arrived at the space where the Nora Camp Fleet was stationed, docking with the flagship.