Chapter 193: Hastily Passing Through Those Years

The two talked for a long time.

Nothing "sleazy" happened as others might have guessed.

With a stronger memory, a long period of learning, various transportation experiences, and having read many biographies of famous musicians throughout history, coupled with the supplementation of Basic Music Theory, Harrison Clark was no longer the music newbie who only knew how to copy and paste.

Although his talents were average, his foundational knowledge had vastly improved.

However, Harrison didn't dare to talk too much with Carrie Thomas for his learnings were diverse and far-reaching.

He didn't want to carelessly mention theories from hundreds of years in the future and accidentally disrupt Carrie's train of thought.

Carrie asked Harrison many questions, most of which focused on her interpretation of the details of some songs on the Golden Record.

Harrison carefully answered, trying to be as arcane as possible without giving himself away.