Chapter 194: The Familiar Recipe

Sharp edges fully exposed is Carrie Thomas's fourth heavyweight work after The Fire, Self-Combustion, and Morning Wind.

She didn't feel particularly proud.

The current Sharp edges fully exposed is not a finished product, but a coherent melody and relatively rough lyrics in Carrie's view.

She just couldn't restrain her inner excitement and wanted to share it as soon as possible, so she offered it to Harrison Clark, just wanting his simple praise.

Because Carrie knows that even if she keeps refining Sharp edges fully exposed to the extreme, it will barely be on par with the seven songs of Gazing into the Distance that Harrison gave her.

She didn't dare to be arrogant, after all, how could a grain of light dare to compete with the bright moon.

After returning last night, she first savored the seven songs in her heart, the more she thought about it, the more amazed she was.

The layers of intertwined melodies, the exquisite yet powerful reverberations.