Chapter 208: Radium_2

Like the young people of Harrison Clark and Nora Camp's generation, they never had the chance to set foot on the Earth, which should have belonged to humanity, until they came to execute their mission.

The Hawk Armor has undergone several generations of improvements, forming its latest version today, but the model sequence has never changed.

Radium has not stood still either, constantly expanding its productive capacity and improving its technological level.

The intensity of the battles between the two sides has never decreased.

On Earth, it has long been devastated, and all cities have become ruins.

Apart from the large-scale industrial production bases with only machines, there are only huge craters blasted out by explosions and the pristine forests that have regrown due to the scarce human presence.

The human population has plummeted from 20 billion at its peak a hundred years ago to less than 7 billion today.

A loss of 130 billion people.