Chapter 272: Breaking into the Enemy Ship_3

About 100,000 kilometers ahead, the spherical battleship gradually slowed down, returning to one-sixth of the speed of light.

Harrison Clark's battle armor detected fragments of biom-metallic composite material along the way, which were from the outer shell of the enemy ship.

He became excited again.

Although he couldn't kill them with a single strike, he had at least damaged the enemy ship!

Looking up, the enemy ship was no longer a perfect sphere; it resembled a golf ball that had been struck by a firework, seemingly intact but with a hideous gap at the bottom center.

A long trail of black mist dragged beneath the enemy ship.

The fog shield had also lost control and detached.

Harrison Clark's heart was filled with emotions.

The enemy ship had stood stead-fast when bombarded by so many human fleets just moments ago.

But now, they had finally cracked it!

Although he hadn't achieved total victory, he had proven that his plan could work.