Chapter 273: Dying with Eyes Open_1

The continuous slashing caused particle oscillations to hit Harrison Clark's faceplate, accompanied by splendid notes of music.

Ding, ding, ding, ding…...

Crunching sounds burst forth at a rate of a thousand per second.

Immediately after, a roaring noise like machinery exploding echoed through the air.

Billowing smoke mixed with biological and metallic materials blasted through the sky.

A violent shockwave surged outwards, but Harrison, at the epicenter of the explosion, remained completely still.

Under his meticulous control, the space distorted by the Pseudo-Curvature Engine diverted these impacts perfectly to the four sides, forcing back the approaching Eight-legged Beetles.

Harrison grinned and instinctively licked his lips.

He finally slew an Eight-legged Beetle with his own hands!

An unparalleled sense of satisfaction welled from deep within his mind.
