Chapter 325: The Emperor of Liver [6000 words large chapter, extra update thanks to the alliance master Egg]_3

Those who have experienced the difference between a top-notch teacher and a rookie teacher will understand that even when teaching the same curriculum, using the same materials, and facing the same students, the achievements of the students taught by teachers of different levels can be strikingly different.

Moreover, even among top teachers, each student may prefer different teaching styles.

Some top students may excel in a particular subject but have no idea why they are so good at it.

One day, a teacher with whom they had a great connection and a similar way of thinking takes a sick leave, and the school replaces them with another high-ranking teacher. While the other students' grades remain relatively unchanged, their grades plummet dramatically.


Is the new teacher's level too poor?

Then why did the other students not see a decline?