Chapter 325: The Emperor of Liver [6000 words large chapter, extra update thanks to the alliance master Egg]_4

Now that she's satisfied, she's immediately reneging on her promises.

That's too much!

"What do you mean, 'almost'? I still haven't even looked at the books from my last three years of high school! Don't ruin me! Hey, no…"

Star's voice immediately replaced hers in the room: "Give up, there's only one day left, it's impossible to finish."

"Impossible? There's no such word in my dictionary!"

Star: "It's actually three words."

"Don't sweat the small stuff!"

"Artificial intelligence must pay attention to details."

"Can we not repeat what's been said before?"

"Ah? Have we said that before?"

"Stop talking nonsense and get to work!"

Harrison Clark's attitude was explosive.

He couldn't fail tomorrow's exam. Although the hope was very slim, he had already developed the habit of fighting till the last moment.

Star: "You need to respect objective facts."

"Objective is meant to be broken. Everything is possible in my world!"