Chapter 363: Infinite Matryoshka Wells and the New Storm_1

October 26th, 3020, 6 PM Beijing time.

Harrison Clark stood with his hands behind his back, gaze piercing through the transparent wall to the quiet starry sky ahead.

His focus was on the exact spot where the spherical battleship, which he knew well, appeared every time.

Between here and there, there was a thin, invisible membrane that could block any energy, artillery fire, warships, and life.

No one knew the exact thickness of the membrane, but they could only generalize it to be less than an electron diameter through continuous attempts.

At this moment, Harrison was standing inside the Caudron Army Corps' flagship command cabin.

The command flagship was no longer gigantic, only about forty meters long and shaped like an olive.

In space, this small flagship seemed less noticeable compared to the massive snowflake-shaped warship, just like sesame and mung beans.